交付大约22%世界的总VLOC舰队,HHI造船 小组确信地承担散装货轮所有者的每个挑战 要求。我们用巩固创造了散装货轮建筑一个新的时代 世界的第一艘液化天然气刺激的散装货轮命令。 HHI造船小组,控制世界PCTC舰队的六分之一,交付 对海洋运输和后勤学的创新和能承受的船 运载的汽车和其他滚动的货物的公司。
Delivering around 22% of the world’s total VLOC fleets, HHI Shipbuilding Group confidently takes on every challenge that the bulk carrier owners require. We have created a new era of Bulk Carrier construction with securing an order of world’s first LNG-Fueled Bulk Carrier. HHI Shipbuilding Group, dominating one sixth of world PCTC fleet, delivers innovative and sustainable vessels to ocean-transport and logistics companies for carrying automobiles and other rolling cargo.