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    应用领域 船坞
    类型 带空气净化器






PureAirPro 1200是一个专业的空气净化器,结构紧凑,多用途,非常强大的空气净化器,可以在许多方面使用,为许多情况和污染提供解决方案。该设备可以移动,也可以作为固定安装,作为整个房间的空气净化器使用。它能够抽取被污染的空气,专门将净化的空气吹入房间,或者作为一个点式抽风机使用。




Air quality is of the utmost importance in the working environment. In the office, laboratory, production area as well as in a workshop, the quality of the air is decisive when it comes to productivity, well-being and orderliness of the room. However, the safety and health of the people in the room will always be the main reason for improving air quality.

There are many factors that negatively influence air quality, especially where work is carried out. Many people are present in one building or room, the ventilation is often poor and is sometimes even the source of pollution. Activities of a technical nature often produce (fine) dust, odors or volatile substances and products such as plastics

If we take into account that people spend most of the day in this environment and are present here about 250 days a year, it is clear that optimizing air quality has a major positive effect in the short and long term.

An easily deployable solution with great effect

The PureAirPro 1200 is a professional air purifier, compact, multi-purpose and very powerful air purifier that can be used in many ways and offers a solution for many circumstances and pollution. The device is mobile or can be used as a fixed installation, as an air purifier for the entire room. It is capable of extracting polluted air, specifically blowing purified air into a room or being used as a point extractor.

Various applications and configurations, can be used as an air purifier or point extraction

The PureAirPro can be used as an air purifier but also as a point extractor, the device is available with one or two extraction arms for extraction of smoke, vapor (fine) dust or odours.
