江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 6舱
    甲板布局 飞桥
    帆缆索具 单桅纵帆, 补助帆桁
    其他特性 双舵轮
    全部长度 30.5 m (100'00")
    宽度 12.3 m (40'04")
    吃水深度 2.2 m (7'02")
    发动机功率 460 ch (460 hp)
    燃料容量 3,000 l (793 gal)
    淡水容量 1,600 l (423 gal)


这个系列的设计是由一群经验丰富的船主和水手(他们之间已经花了几十年的时间来航行和巡航多体船),一个经验丰富的设计和工程团队,以及McConaghy 50年来为最苛刻的客户和条件建造的游艇。

来自设计师,KER游艇设计公司的Jason Ker

"我热衷于设计能给船主带来美好水上体验的船只。 "





"这个团队在建造双体船方面有着丰富的经验。 比一般的巡航船要轻得多......但又安全、可靠和坚固。 坚硬。"


- 全球最高等级。


This range has been designed using a group of experienced owners and sailors (who between them have spent decades sailing and cruising multihulls), a highly experienced design and engineering team, and McConaghy’s 50 years of building yachts for the most demanding customers and conditions.

From the designer, Jason Ker of KER Yacht Design

“I’m passionate about designing boats that give their owners a wonderful on water experience.

“I’m a sailor and if I know in my heart that I would have a fantastic

time on board with my friends and family… then I know I’ve got the

design right. I also get really excited about the best use of space, especially when you engineer a boat to be lighter. On a multihull a small weight increase has a big impact… so we’ve worked really hard to save weight. For example we’ve used carbon where it makes a difference.”

“It’s wonderful to work with the shipwrights at McConaghy."

“This team are vastly experienced in building catamarans which are much lighter than the average cruising cat… yet safe, secure and stiff.”

The MC range has Bureau Veritas classification for blue water sailing

– the highest global rating.
