江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 高台驾驶室
    发动机种类 电动
    船舱数量 8舱
    其他特性 带泳池
    长度x宽度 74.85 m (245'06")x12.8 m (41'11")
    巡航速度 13.6 kt
    最大速度 15.4 kt
    船员人数 20 unit
    访客人数 16 unit
    燃料容量 140,000 l (36,984 gal)


剑圣的流动。她的主人直接监督项目的每一个细节,最大限度地表达了他的直觉。Kenshō重新定义了超级游艇的空间、分布和豪华的界限,是新的、个性化和革命性的标志。M/Y Kenshō有一个创新的 "柴油-电力 "推进系统,这使它获得了船级社的 "ECO "标记。Kenshō融合了住宅设计和海洋设计的最佳理念,创造了新的海上生活质量。

Kenshō诞生于船东的手中,他在2016年冬天用铅笔画了一张由12条线组成的草图,象征性地将形式和功能结合起来。船主的直觉也能够联合一个强大的团队,由海军建筑师和设计师AZURE(荷兰)和设计工作室archineers.berlin(德国)组成,在技术方面由Technical Marine UK和Trappmann咨询公司不断跟进,他们已经能够将一个简单的设计转变为各种慷慨的户外空间和独特的功能。

在与船东和archineers.berlin的紧密合作下,Azure Yacht Design开发了Kenshō的外观设计。抛开传统的布局,Kenshō拥有最先进的功能,如单一的船员走廊和只在上甲板的舷梯--优化了豪华客人区的体积。在可能的情况下,全高的玻璃和较低的防撞墙是使船外景色令人着迷的因素,就像帆船的经验。所有的外甲板都有自己的特定功能,使Kenshō的平台完整而有效。空间大、高档、舒适。蔚蓝游艇设计公司和建筑商。


Kenshō flows. Maximum expression of the intuition of her Owner who directly oversaw the project in every detail. Kenshō redefines the boundaries of space, distribution and luxury on superyachts, the emblem of something new, personal and revolutionary. M/Y Kenshō has an innovative “diesel-electric” propulsion system, which has given it the “ECO” notation of the Classification Body. Kenshō integrates the best ideas of residential design and marine design to create a new quality of life at sea.

Kenshō was born from the hand of the Owner who drew in a pencil sketch consisting of 12 lines, in the winter of 2016, the symbolic and concrete union of form and function. The Owner’s intuition has also been able to unite a strong team made up of naval architects and designers AZURE (Netherlands) and the design studio archineers.berlin (Germany) constantly followed in the technical part by Technical Marine UK and Trappmann Consulting, who have been able to transform that which was a simple design in a variety of generous outdoor spaces, and unique features.

In close collaboration with the Owner and archineers.berlin, Azure Yacht Design developed the exterior design of Kenshō. Forget about the traditional layouts, Kenshō has state-of-the-art features such as a single crew corridor and gangways only on upper deck – optimizing the volume for luxury guest areas. Full height glass where possible and lowered bulwarks are the ingredients for mesmerizing outboard views like a sailing yacht’s experience. All outside decks with their own specific functionalities making Kenshō’s platform complete and efficient. Spaces are large, high-class and comfortable. Azure Yacht Design and archineers.
