江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    用途 巡游, 运动
    甲板布局 舵手室
    材料 铝制
    其他特性 定制
    长度x宽度 36 m (118'01")x7.4 m (24'03")
    吃水深度 1.4 m, 1.5 m (4'07")
    总吨位 210 t (231.5 us ton)
    巡航速度 30 kt, 32 kt
    最大速度 44 kt


继Tommaso Spadolini设计的OTAM铝制定制系列35米Gipsy获奖后,这家利古里亚船厂现在又提出了另一个完全设计好的115英尺方案。然而,这两个项目唯一的共同点是它们的总长度--这个新设计将是水上最快的合金游艇之一,能够达到44节。

"OTAM销售总监Matteo Belardinelli说:"OTAM铝制定制系列背后的理念是,它是完全定制的,针对那些不只是想要一艘船的客户--他们想要建造他们的理想项目。"超过30米,我们用铝而不是先进的复合材料建造,因为它提供了更多更大的灵活性,从外部美学和内部布局到推进规格,都可以使游艇个性化。"

BG设计公司是新OTAM 70 HT背后的同一工作室,其外部线条的灵感来自航空和汽车世界,以反映该品牌的狂野基因。设计细节包括横梁上的镀铬通风口和硬顶顶部的进气口。

深V型船体是由Umberto Tagliavini Marine Design公司开发的,以提供出色的航海性能,舒适地进入海浪和高速行驶。广泛的有限元分析(FEM)确保了船体的刚性,不容易弯曲或扭曲,而计算流体动力学(CFD)有助于优化海上的性能和操作。

客户可以选择配备MTU 2600马力发动机和KaMeWa水刀中央助推器的三发动机配置,最高速度为44节(巡航速度为32节),或者选择MTU双发动机,最高速度为35节。


Following in the wake of the award-winning first unit in the OTAM Aluminum Custom Range 35m Gipsy, designed by Tommaso Spadolini, , the Ligurian shipyard now present another fully engineered 115-foot proposal. However, the only thing the two projects have in common is their length overall -this new design will be one the fastest alloy yachts on the water capable of reaching 44 knots.

“The philosophy behind the OTAM Aluminium Custom Range is that it is fully bespoke and aimed at clients who don’t just want a boat – they want to build their ideal project,” says OTAM Sales Director Matteo Belardinelli. “Over 30 meters we build in aluminium rather than advanced composites because it provides more much more flexibility to personalize the yacht in every way, from the exterior aesthetics and interior layout to the propulsion specifications.”

The exterior lines by BG Design Firm, the same studio behind the new OTAM 70 HT, are inspired by the aeronautical and automotive worlds to reflect the brand’s racy DNA. Design details include the chromed ventilation vents in the transom and the air inlet on top of the hardtop.

The deep-V hull has been developed by Umberto Tagliavini Marine Design to provide excellent seakeeping, comfortable entry into waves and high speeds. Extensive Finite Element Analysis (FEM) ensures a rigid hull that is not prone to flexing or twisting, while Computional Fluid Dynamics (CFD) serve to optimize performance and handling at sea.

Clients can choose between a 3-engine configuration with MTU 2600-hp engines and a KaMeWa waterjet central booster for a top speed of 44 knots (cruising speed 32 knots) or twin MTU engines for a top speed of 35 knots
