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    用途 传统型
    甲板布局 飞桥
    长度 24.38 m (79'11")


Liberty 让人联想到 1920 年代的华尔街通勤游艇,采用 Hodgon 专有的冷塑木制造技术制造,将传统设计与最先进的材料和创新系统结合在一起。 这艘 80 英尺的机动游艇由布鲁斯·金游艇设计设计,内部由业主和艾伦·沃尔顿设计设计设计 — 由一对 1,100 马力 MAN 柴油发动机提供动力,舒适的巡航速度超过 25 节。

复杂 的细节

整个桃花心木内饰特点是画廊前方的镶嵌星形图案,玫瑰花饰图案船尾和书匹配的面板。 这种结构化的几何图案和优雅与勇气的组合提供了一种 “装饰艺术” 的感觉。


自由的 15 英尺横梁有助于提供稳定性,即使在威胁海洋中也是如此。 她相对平坦的跑步态度和良好的入场是看到正在进行或在甲板上体验的喜悦。


在传统看起来的柚木甲板是一个轻质的蜂窝夹层结构。 船舶的舵、舵、支柱、轴罩、桅杆和吊臂均由碳纤维制成。 桅杆和吊臂具有 Fuax 木材涂料作业。


“ 不是她的速度使 Liberty 与众不同,而是其他三个因素:她的风格(非常低调);她的品质(前所未有的);她的野蛮力量(源自现代复合材料结构)。”


Reminiscent of 1920’s Wall Street commuter yachts, Liberty is constructed using Hodgon’s proprietary cold molded wood boat building techniques and combines traditional design with state-of-the-art materials and innovative systems. This 80-foot motor yacht – designed by Bruce King Yacht Design with interior designed by the owner and Allan Walton Design – is powered by a pair of 1,100-hp MAN diesel engines and comfortably cruises at over 25 knots.

Complex Details Throughout

The mahogany interior features an inlaid star pattern forward of the gallery, a rosette motif aft, and book-matched panels. This structured geometric patterning and combination of elegance and boldness provide an “art deco” feel.

Smooth Ride

Liberty’s svelte 15-foot beam helps provide stability, even in threatening seas. Her relatively flat running attitude and fine entry is a joy to see underway or experience on deck.

Strength at One-third the Weight

Under the traditional looking teak decks is a lightweight honeycomb sandwich structure. The boat’s rudders, rudder stocks, struts, shaft shrouds, mast and boom are made of carbon fiber. The mast and boom feature a fuax wood paint job.

Gazing at Liberty may be enough for some folks, but she really comes alive when you fire up her big diesels.

"It is not her speed that makes Liberty unusual, rather it’s three other factors: Her style (very understated); her quality (unprecedented), and her brute strength (stemming from modern composite construction)."
