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传统型飞桥IPS POD巡游机动游艇(18人大空间现代化游艇)
    用途 巡游
    风格 传统型
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 4舱
    材料 未指定
    长度x宽度 25.15 m (82'06")x5.8 m (19'00")
    访客人数 18 unit
    燃料容量 5,920 l (1,564 gal)
    淡水容量 1,250 l (330 gal)


25米长的Settantotto是一个宏大的展品,以最关注细节的方式制作;一个既现代又经典的美丽概念,必要但不简约...永恒。她有一个流畅的形式,没有明显的边缘,传达了一种自然的平衡感。克里斯蒂安-格兰德(Christian Grande)的设计选择--他与造船研究中心紧密合作--没有过度、强迫或侵略性。然而,这个模型展示了你可以从任何旗舰上期待的力量。她光滑和肌肉发达的形式是为了在任何情况下应对大海:完美的船体,高而伸展的船头,以及明显的炮台。





The 25 metre Settantotto is a grand exhibit, crafted with the utmost attention to detail; a concept of beauty that is both modern and classic, essential but not minimal…timeless. She has a fluid form without distinct edges, conveying a natural sense of balance. The design choices by Christian Grande - who worked closely with the Shipbuilding Research Centre- are not excessive, forced or aggressive. Yet this model exhibits the power that you can expect from any flagship. Her smooth and muscular forms are equipped to take on the sea in any condition: the perfect hull, a tall and splaying bow, and a pronounced gunwale.

Also, the expressive combination of colours used for the structure and superstructure, the latter being visibly lighter, has enhanced the yacht’s sleek and sinuous forms and the feeling of sheer amazement when you discover the spacious environments and generous volumes dedicated to the internal areas, filled with natural light, as can be seen from the symmetrical subtractions in the hull, on the main and lower decks.

Freedom without boundaries

The main deck and fly comprise large open spaces with dedicated areas for socialising and relaxing, from bow to stern. There is also an adjoining beach platform which can be accessed safely and easily. The beach deck includes a lift which can be raised, lowered or moved forward. The deck can also be transformed into an immense terrace overlooking the sea, thanks to the extra surface area provided by the teak clad garage. The garage storage compartment comprises a large space for tender and a jet ski which can be separated from the area closest to the beach used for the chaise longues.
