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传统型宽大舒适硬顶IPS POD巡游机动游艇(碳纤甲板采光好)
    用途 巡游
    风格 传统型
    甲板布局 硬顶
    船舱数量 3舱
    床位数量 6铺位
    长度x宽度 55'04" (16.89 m)x16'07" (5.1 m)
    总吨位 50,000 lb (22,679.6 kg)
    燃料容量 900 gal
    淡水容量 300 gal


经典之美,现代科技。 秉承50和60年代经典动力巡洋舰的传统,55经典号将经典线条与当今最好的现代技术相结合。 碳纤维甲板被利用来减轻重量,同时提供最大的强度,操纵杆控制提供了简单的操作性(可选择沃尔沃IPS或标准驱动),Seakeeper稳定器提供了航行中和锚地用餐时的稳定性,以及最先进的电子设备(Raymarine玻璃舵机技术与多个触摸屏控制)提供了所有系统的方便访问。

龙虾 "船的出现带来了一种精致的美学,使动力船有了帆船的感觉,即更低的房屋和更光滑的线条。 然而,生活空间却成了牺牲品。 经典的55号提供了典型的大型游艇的生活空间--3个客舱和3个头部。沙龙是私密的,有充足的光线,开放式厨房包括右舷的功能餐桌,主客舱是主客舱应该有的,横梁到横梁在船的最舒适(和最大)的部分,而不是在船头的主客舱,需要台阶才能上床。

对于这一切,没有任何妥协。 宽大舒适的驾驶舱,配有可拆卸的遮阳篷(碳纤维杆很容易收纳),巨大的船中机房(发动机的重量提供了最佳的平衡),以及从一个非常舒适的舵机站进行转向的良好视线。


Classic beauty, modern technology. In the tradition of the classic power cruisers of the 50’s and 60’s, the 55 classic provides a combination of classic lines with the best of today’s modern technology. A carbon fiber deck is utilized to reduce weight while providing maximum strength, easy maneuverability is provided with joystick controls (with either optional Volvo IPS OR with standard drives), a Seakeeper stabilizer provides stability both while under way and while dining at anchor, and state-of-the-art electronics (Raymarine glass helm technology with multiple touch screen controls) provides easy access to all systems.

The advent of the “lobster” boat brought with it a refined aesthetic that lent something of a sailboat sensibility to power boats, i.e. lower houses and sleeker lines. However, living space became something of a casualty. The classic 55 provides the type of live aboard space – 3 staterooms and 3 heads – that are typical in much larger yachts. The saloon is private with plenty of light , the open galley includes a functional dinette to starboard, and the master stateroom is what a master stateroom should be, beam to beam in the most comfortable (and largest) part of the boat, instead of a master stateroom in the bow with steps required to get into bed.

For all of that, there are no compromises. A large comfortable cockpit with a removable sun awning (carbon fiber poles easily stow), a massive mid-ship engine room (where the weight of the engines provides optimal balance), and great sight lines for steering from a very comfortable helm station.
