江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥, 硬顶
    船舱数量 3舱, 4舱
    材料 复合材料
    长度 18.3 m (60'00")


对于力量猫恋人,新的SiamCat 45 ft为您的乐趣现在是可利用的,修造,与典雅的线和高规格,无需投入大凹痕在您的口袋。

如果真正地寻找a的youre ?宽敞?并且高?表现?力量筏,与伟大?稳定?并且?段落做?表现,新的泰国猫45是一条非常印象深刻的矮小的综合游艇以一个非常付得起的价格和?修造? 确实地? ISO 9001standards!!

以后修造了?AB32 ?并且营销它,我们发现了许多小船经销商和私人顾客和现在请求一只大猫。? 我们开始考虑设计在同样好的线的一个大模式。? 在研究和听至于什么的潮流和过去顾客以后他们将想要,我们决定继续进行AB 42和AB45设计。? 二个初步计划被写了,并且出席对我们潜在的顾客和向前一名非常热心的买主立刻给我们去! ? ? AB45现在已经是可看见的在建筑在我们的围场。

我们的主要目标是提供被制作的手,详细的质量以正确的价格: 您比小船有效地得到一只综合力量猫在一小部分其他供应商的价格,被建立的费用在亚洲,便宜从欧洲或在西方。 为比较,我们计算AB45定价接近一半许多国际品牌和,既使低作为它的类别三分之一许多美国品牌。 泰国猫它由意大利被处理的公司修造在泰国有欧洲质量的和跟随高标准使用可利用最好的进口的材料和的工匠。


For Power Cat lovers, the new SiamCat 45 ft is now available, built for your pleasure, with elegant lines and high specifications, without putting a big dent in your pocket.

If youre looking for a really?roomy?and high?performance?power catamaran, with great?stability?and?passage-making?performance, the new Siam Cat 45 is one very impressive little composite yacht at a very affordable price and?built? strictly to? ISO 9001standards!!

After built the?AB32?and marketing it, we discovered that many boat dealers and private customers and now requesting a bigger cat.? We started to consider designing a larger model on the same nice lines.? After much research and listening to current and past customers as to what they would like, we decided to proceed with design of AB 42 and AB45.? Two preliminary plans were written and presented to our potential customers and immediately we were given the go ahead by a very eager buyer!?? The AB45 is already visible right now in construction in our yard.

Our Main goal is to offer hand crafted, detailed quality at the right price: you get a composite power cat at a fraction of price of other suppliers, built cost effectively in Asia, much cheaper than boats from Europe or in the West. For comparison, we calculate the AB45 is priced close to half of many international brands and even as low as a third of many US brands of its category. Siam Cat it is built by Italian managed company in Thailand with European quality and following high standard using the finest imported materials and craftsmen available.
