江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    长度x宽度 16.5 m (54'01")x7.7 m (25'03")
    吃水深度 1.37 m (4'05")
    访客人数 12 unit, 18 unit, 25 unit
    燃料容量 2,200 l (581 gal)
    淡水容量 1,000 l (264 gal)


阿奎拉的快速增长和全球成功挑战了我们的国际设计和工程团队,使他们对更新、更大、更优雅的巡航模型的期望值有所提升。雅居乐54游艇动力双体船体现了数以百计的雅居乐游艇和船只在世界水域巡游时的可靠特征和建造方法。该型号还通过全尺寸制冷和包括3、4、5个船舱的布局以及船长室和 "厨房向下 "的布局提高了船上的奢华程度。

船主们将会很高兴看到全景,通过船体侧面的大窗户,主舱内充满了自然光,为全梁式主舱增添了宽敞的感觉。 阿奎拉54游艇动力双体船设计有一个开放的飞桥和实心玻璃前挡风玻璃,或一个完全封闭和气候控制的飞桥,其多功能性吸引了全球船艇爱好者的目光。

屡获殊荣!阿奎拉54游艇动力双体船最近赢得了年度最佳多体船奖!随着双体船在世界范围内的日益普及,多体船世界、多体船杂志和国际多体船展致力于强调拥有多体船的好处和真正的乐趣。一年一度的 "年度多体船 "奖得主选举是通过公开投票系统选出的,由船艇爱好者、读者和被提名者投票。Aquila 54获得了2021年多动力类别的奖项。


Aquila’s rapid growth and global success has challenged our international design and engineering teams to elevate expectations with a newer, larger, and more elegant cruising model. The Aquila 54 Yacht Power Catamaran embodies the reliable features and construction methods of the hundreds of Aquila yachts and boats cruising the waters of the world. This model also enhances on-board luxuries with full size refrigeration and layouts that include 3, 4, and 5 cabin options as well as skipper's quarters and “galley-down” layouts.

Owners will delight in panoramic views that fill the master cabin with natural light through large hull side windows, adding to the spacious feeling of the full-beam forward master cabin. Engineered with an open flybridge and solid glass front windscreen, or a completely enclosed and climate controlled flybridge, the Aquila 54 Yacht Power Catamaran features the versatility to appeal to a global audience of boating enthusiasts.

Award-Winning! The Aquila 54 Yacht Power Catamaran recently won the Multihull of the Year award! With the growing popularity of catamarans worldwide, Multihulls World, Multicoques Magazine, and the International Multihull Show dedicate efforts to highlight the benefits and true joy of owning multi-hulled vessels. The annual election for "Multihull of the Year" awards winners are chosen through an open voting system where boating enthusiasts, readers, and nominees cast their ballots. The Aquila 54 received the 2021 award in the Multipower Category.
