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豪华宽敞高性能SUV运动硬顶游艇 (奢华和冒险同时拥有)
    用途 巡游, 运动
    甲板布局 硬顶
    船舱数量 3舱
    床位数量 6铺位
    长度x宽度 15.9 m (52'01")x4.8 m (15'08")
    吃水深度 1.33 m (4'04")
    总吨位 20.9 t (23 us ton)
    燃料容量 2,500 l (660 gal)
    淡水容量 500 l (132 gal)


想象一下在您辉煌的新Riviera SUV探险游艇上的生活,被豪华包围,完全放松,利用一切机会创造您的朋友和亲人永远记住的珍贵回忆。Riviera设计团队与4D设计公司合作,为Riviera SUV系列创造了一个令人惊叹的新产品。Riviera飞桥机动游艇的高性能和宽阔的驾驶舱与获奖的Riviera运动游艇的豪华单层、露天娱乐风格完美融合。掌舵两艘壮观的机动游艇......体验一个又一个伟大的冒险。

我们的SUV机动游艇是真正独特的。单层的豪华娱乐艇,具有传统的航海能力。从龙骨往上看,Riviera 465 SUV拥有更大的船的生活能力。从沙龙流出来,享受舒适、时尚和露天甲板的氛围。住宿方面也同样令人印象深刻,有三个宏伟的客舱和两个浴室。宽敞的开放式驾驶舱随时准备进行水上运动。从船头到登船平台,你将享受到里维拉对细节的关注,手工制作的奢华和易于使用的技术,使划船变得更加愉快。

* 规格可能因地区而异。

* 船体的长度(Lh)符合ISO8666标准。包括所有结构和整体部分(即船体的成型长度)。它不包括那些可以以非破坏性方式拆除而不影响船体结构完整性的部件,(例如,船浆、船外机、驾驶平台、防擦板)。


Picture life on board your brilliant new Riviera SUV adventure yacht, surrounded in luxury, totally relaxed and taking every opportunity to create precious memories your friends and loved ones will remember forever. The Riviera design team in collaboration with 4D Designs have created a stunning addition to the Riviera SUV Collection. A perfect fusion of the high performance and wide open cockpit of Riviera’s Flybridge Motor Yachts and the luxurious single level, alfresco entertaining style of the award winning Riviera Sport Yachts. Take the helm of two spectacular motor yachts in one… and experience one great adventure after another.

Our SUV motor yachts are truly unique. Single level luxury entertainers with heritage seakeeping capabilities. Brilliant from the keel up, the Riviera 465 SUV has the liveability of a much larger vessel. Flowing out from the saloon, enjoy the comfort, style and ambiance of an alfresco deck. Accommodation is equally impressive with three magnificent staterooms and two bathrooms. And the generous open cockpit is always ready for water-sports action. From bow to boarding platform, you’ll relish the Riviera attention to detail, handcrafted luxury and easy-to-use technology that makes boating even more enjoyable.

* Specifications may vary on a regional basis.

* Length of the hull (Lh) to ISO8666: Includes all structural and integral parts (ie. the moulded length of the hull). It excludes parts that can be removed in a non-destructive manner without affecting the structural integrity of the craft, (eg. pulpits, outdrives, driving platforms, rubbing strakes).
