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    用途 巡游, 近海
    甲板布局 高台驾驶室
    船舱数量 2舱
    长度x宽度 55'09" (17.01 m)x18'06" (5.6 m)
    吃水深度 6'00" (1.83 m)
    巡航速度 7 kt
    燃料容量 26,000 gal
    淡水容量 500 gal


坎特54 Passagemaker被设计成一个高度可靠的近海航行游艇,对于她这种类型的游艇来说,它的航程异常的长。她的配置特点是在葡萄牙式舰桥后面有一个非常受欢迎的升高的驾驶室。

像所有的坎特游艇一样,Passage Maker 54是由高强度的焊接金属建造的,以达到防漏的目的,并具有很强的强度。水箱是整体的,增加了它们的强度和船只的强度,有效地创造了双底的结构和安全。她高效、低阻力的船体形式和大型油箱和水箱使Passage Maker 54能够在加油前行驶4500英里。船尾形状的设计是为了减少翻滚的趋势,使坎特54号异常舒适,同时提高了她的燃油效率和航程。

由著名的海军建筑师Chuck Paine设计,Passage Maker 54在驾驶室下面拥有完整的头部空间,并向前延伸到船头。宽敞的前舱有一个完全私人的头部套房,而船尾的两个船舱共享一个头部。前面的床是大号的,可以从任何一侧进入。

主沙龙的三面墙都有大窗户,可以看到美妙的景色和充足的自然光,给Passage Maker 54一种宽敞的感觉。驾驶室远比人们通常遇到的要大,甚至拥有一个全长的 "站岗长椅",可以转换为一个床位。通过左、右舷的门可以很容易地进入甲板和遮蔽的葡萄牙桥。


The Kanter 54 Passagemaker was designed to be a highly reliable offshore voyaging yacht with an unusually long range for a yacht of her type. Her configuration features the highly popular raised pilothouse forward behind a Portuguese bridge.

Like all Kanter yachts, the Passage Maker 54 is built of massive-strength welded metal for the ultimate in leak-proof integrity and brute strength. The tanks are integral, adding their strength to that of the vessel and effectively creating double-bottom construction and safety. Her efficient, low-drag hull form and large fuel and water tanks enable the Passage Maker 54 to make trips of up to 4,500 miles before refuelling. The stern shape was designed to reduce the tendency to roll, making the Kanter 54 exceptionally comfortable while improving her fuel-efficiency and range.

Designed by renowned naval architect Chuck Paine, the Passage Maker 54 boasts full headroom accommodations beneath the pilothouse and extending forward into the bow. The voluminous forward cabin has en suite access to its totally private head, while the aft two cabins share a head. The forward bed is queen-sized and may be accessed from either side.

The main salon has large windows on three walls for wonderful views and ample natural lighting, giving the Passage Maker 54 a feeling of spaciousness. The pilothouse is far larger than one normally encounters and even boasts a full-length “watch stander’s bench”, which is convertible to a berth. The deck and sheltered Portuguese bridge may be easily accessed through doors both port and starboard.
