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    用途 近海
    甲板布局 舵手室
    长度x宽度 52'02" (15.91 m)x16'07" (5.1 m)
    吃水深度 6'01" (1.86 m)
    巡航速度 8.5 kt
    最大速度 10 kt
    燃料容量 1,950 gal
    淡水容量 400 gal


由维多利亚海军建筑师Gregory C. Marshall设计,Kanter 50旨在吸引有经验的船主,他们正在一艘仍然可以由一对夫妇管理的海上游艇上寻找舒适的住宿。船体是一种排水形式,向前有良好的入口,向后有12度的死角。良好的前倾角和低重心将使这艘船在长途旅行中特别舒适和干燥,而在那些你宁愿避开天气的时候,它也是柔软、稳定和快速的。船体形式经过精心设计,几乎消除了许多这种尺寸的船只所存在的令人不舒服的 "驼峰区"。龙骨延伸到传动装置下面,使那些不可避免的 "颠簸 "成本降低,并使船只具有特殊的方向稳定性。


所有的外部甲板排水管都在船内运行,以消除船体上混乱的条纹。所有的管道都是用颜色编码的,在引擎室里有适当的标识。甚至发动机室的空气也被仔细地铺设在整个管道上,以消除 "热点"。



Designed by Victoria naval architect Gregory C. Marshall, the Kanter 50 is intended to appeal to experienced owners who are looking for comfortable accommodations in a serious offshore yacht that can still be managed by only one couple. The hull is a displacement form with fine entry forward and 12 degree dead rise aft. Good flare forward and a low center of gravity will make this vessel exceptionally comfortable and dry on long passages, and soft, stable and fast for those times when you would rather avoid the weather. The hull form has been carefully designed to virtually eliminate the uncomfortable ‘hump zone’ that plaques so many vessels of this size. The keel extends below the running gear to make those inevitable ‘bumps’ less costly, and to give the vessel exceptional directional stability.

Steering on the vessel comes standard with hydraulic controls and the rudder is fully balanced. Lines of sight from both helm stations have been optimized. Sound and vibration have been carefully addressed not only for the obvious reasons, but for the subtle reasons as well. Long term noise and vibration are a major cause of fatigue on long passages. The engine room has double the insulation of most vessels in this class and every moving pump or motor has been soft mounted.

All external deck drains are run inside the vessel to the boot stripe to eliminate messy streaks on the hull. All piping throughout is colour coded with a proper identification plague in the engine room. Even engine room air has been carefully plumbed throughout to eliminate ‘hot spots.’

Anchor handling is facilitated through two sets of rollers on the foredeck.
