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    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    推动力 V型驱动
    船舱数量 4舱
    床位数量 8铺位
    材料 未指定
    长度x宽度 23.9 m (78'04")x6.1 m (20'00")
    吃水深度 1.76 m (5'09")
    巡航速度 18 kt
    最大速度 25 kt
    访客人数 20 人
    燃料容量 5,745 l (1,518 gal)
    淡水容量 1,690 l (446 gal)


OKEAN Yachts开发了独特的游艇,具有鼓舞人心的设计,同时将效率、魅力和环境责任保持在同一水平。对OKEAN游艇来说,航行是为了追求无限。邀请大自然通过玻璃沙龙的墙壁进入游艇,360°的海洋景观。侧面和船尾的门完全打开,扩展空间,给你自由。一个本质上的优质空间,为那些想在海里有家的感觉的人而设。

在与意大利著名设计师Paolo Ferragni的合作中,OKEAN游艇展示了令人印象深刻的功能,旨在娱乐和创造一个与海洋的联系。OKEAN游艇集中了非常时尚的特点,如直的船头,船体上的宽大开口,碳纤维的硬顶,或围绕驾驶舱的挡风玻璃。

最先进的原材料使OKEAN 80船体轻盈、耐造、经济,其速度可达到25节。侧门和后门完全延伸,将内部与外部融为一体,将自然带入内部。

OKEAN 80的另一个令人难以置信的特点是较低的船尾甲板游泳平台,为您提供了自己的私人海滩俱乐部。一个变压器和一个猫道扩展了它的功能。



OKEAN Yachts develops unique yachts with inspiring designs while keeping efficiency, enchantment, and environmental responsibility on the same level. For OKEAN Yachts, navigating is to pursue the infinite. Invite nature to enter the yacht through the glazed salon walls with a 360° view of the ocean. The side and aft doors open completely to extend the space and to give you freedom. An essentially premium space, for those who want to feel at home in the sea.

In collaboration with a famous Italian designer Paolo Ferragni OKEAN Yachts display impressive features designed to entertain and create a connection with the sea. OKEAN Yachts concentrate very trendy features like a straight bow, wide openings on the hull, the hard-top in carbon fiber, or the windshield surrounding the cockpit.

State-of-the-art raw materials make the OKEAN 80 vessel light, resistant, and economical, with a high speed that reaches up to 25 knots. Side and rear doors extend fully to integrate the interior with the exterior, bringing nature inside.

Another incredible feature that differentiates OKEAN 80 is a lower aft deck swimming platform which provides you with your own private Beach Club. A transformer and a catwalk extend its functionality.

Try the excellence of living onboard OKEAN!
