江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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我们的河筏是手工制作的,具有四倍加固接缝的坚固耐用。 我们用 1000 丹尼尔 0.9mm 厚的优质织物制造主管。 它们也可以用 2000dener 1.2 毫米厚的特殊织物制成。 底部采用重型 1.8mm 厚材料制成,采用双强度,全巴拿马法。 此外,重型 D 形环、全长侧面擦肩带、手柄以及我们自己的阀门和胶水为我们的河筏带来了特殊的价值。 多年的经验和现场测试使我们能够制造这些具有上述所有功能的快速、稳定的设计。

我们的 River Rafts 在船内拥有最大的空间,并配备适合舒适使用河导游,船尾渐进式和船尾上升的独特设计,以及稍微抬起的地板以改善跟踪。 我们以其易于操作和可操作性而闻名。


Our River Rafts are hand crafted amd built tough with quadruple reinforced seams. We make the main tubes with 1000denier 0.9mm thick, high quality fabric. They can also be made with 2000denier 1.2mm thick special fabric. The bottoms are made from heavy-duty 1.8mm thick material using the double strength, full Panama method. In addition, the heavy-duty D-rings, full length side rub strakes, handles, and our own valves and glue bring special value to our River Rafts. Many years of experience and field testing enable us to manufacture these swift, stable designs with all of the above features.

Our River Rafts have maximal space inside the boat and is fitted for comfortable usage of river guides and users, the unique design of our gradual bow and stern rise, along with a slightly raised floor for improved tracking. We are well known for their easy handling and maneuverability.
