江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    项目 多用途, 竞赛
    座位数量 单人
    颜色 灰色
    应用项目 回旋
    长度x宽度 350 cm(137.8 in)x60 cm(23.62 in)


这款独木舟是托尼-埃斯坦盖特(Tony Estanguet)的心血结晶,他曾三次获得奥林匹克运动会冠...,三次获得世界和欧洲冠...,并成功开发了我们的多款独木舟。他的目标是设计出一款能让所有人不再考虑其他事情的独木舟。他驾驶这艘独木舟赢得了他的第三枚奥运金牌,也宣告了他在这项运动中无法取得更大的成就,并从此退出了顶级赛事。与更新的设计相比,这艘船的稳定性、速度和可操作性在同类产品中仍然是顶尖的,这使得这艘船仍然具有现实意义,而且销售还没有停止。例如,尼古拉斯-吉斯丁(Nicolas Gestin)就曾驾驶这艘船在青少年和 U23 比赛中无往不利,并在 2022 年世界杯上获得奖牌......


This model is a result of work of no one else than Tony Estanguet – three times olympic winner, three times champion of the World and Europe, who had developed whole bunch of our successful canoe boats. With this design his goal was to make a boat, that will make everyone stop even thinking about anything else. By winning his third Olympic Gold in this boat, he kinda made a statement that one cannot achieve anything more in this sport and retired from top racing. Stability, speed and maneuverability is still top in its class compared to much newer designs, which makes this boat still relevant and sales haven’t stopped yet. As an example, Nicolas Gestin, who had been practically unbeatable in juniors and U23 in this boat, earning medals in World Cups 2022 as well…
