江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    项目 竞赛
    座位数量 单人
    颜色 黑色
    应用项目 回旋
    长度 350 cm(137.8 in)


吉尼"(GENIE)是 C1 级的最新成员,由 2022 年世界冠...和两枚奥运奖牌获得者西德瑞斯-塔西亚迪斯(Sideris Tasiadis)设计。

从 "哥斯拉 "到 "精灵",我们做了一些重大改动。我们将船体的体积从船首移到了驾驶舱后方,从而实现了更好的操控性、上游的推动力以及前进过程中的整体平衡。在驾驶舱周围加宽船体,提高了稳定性,而托马斯-科赫林(Thomas Koechlin)的愿望也得以实现,他在船体上加装了鳍,从而在上游闸门处获得了更好的表现。这些鳍和方形船体轮廓可防止独木舟向两侧漂移。Genie 配有皮艇驾驶舱,让那些同时拥有两种类型的独木舟的人,只需拥有一种装备即可。我们可以根据您的体重为您量身定做从 60 公斤到 85 公斤不等的 Genie。


Genie 型号仅采用顶级赛车质量的 Carbolight 材料。


GENIE is our newest addition to the C1 category, designed by 2022 World Champion and two times Olympic medalist Sideris Tasiadis.

From Godzilla to Genie some major modifications have been made. Moving the volume from the bow hull to the area behind the cockpit we accomplished better maneuverability, push from the upstreams and overall balance during forward motion. Making the boat wider around the cockpit improved stability and making Thomas Koechlin’s wish come true by adding hull fins accomplished superior behavior in upstream gates. These fins, together with square hull profile prevent the canoe from undesired drifting to the sides. Genie comes with kayak cockpit in order to make those, who run both categories, happy with just owning one type of gear. We can make your Genie for a weight ranging from 60kg to 85kg.

Material version CARBOLIGHT

Model Genie is produced in the top racing quality version Carbolight only.
