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    应用领域 皮划艇
    项目 休闲
    形状 不对称
    叶片数量 双头
    材料 聚丙烯, 玻璃纤维
    构造 可调节
    手柄长度 240 cm(94 in)



长度为240Cm(94.5In.)。这款优质的桨是5'0 "至6'0 "之间的休闲划手在29 "至34 "宽的皮划艇上的理想选择。






The POSEIDON kayak paddle offers great value for low-angle paddlers. Low-angle paddling will reduce shoulder fatigue and help you cover greater distances with less effort. The two-piece aluminum shaft with push button makes it easy to store and transport your paddle. Fiberglass reinforced polypropylene blades with a 0-65° blade angle adjustment creates a stiffer blade and provides a more efficient and comfortable paddling experience. Plus you'll keep your hands dry thanks to our drip rings.

Length 240Cm (94.5In.): This quality paddle is ideal for recreational paddlers between 5'0" and 6'0" in kayaks between 29" and 34" wide.

Durable And Affordable: This kayak paddle is made of a two-piece anti-slip grip aluminum shaft and fiberglass reinforced polypropylene blades. The blades ensure better durability and performance on the water. It offers excellent value for money.

Multifunction: This convenient fishing paddle includes an integrated hook retrieval system directly on the blade and measurement tape along the shaft that will allow you to measure your catch.

Ovalization: This paddle offers a unique ergonomic shaft design called indexing. The right side of the shaft changes from a rounded shape to a slightly oval shape that tells you where to place your hand. This promotes proper technique that reduces wrist fatigue.

Performance: The push button system allows the blades to be feathered with a 0/65° angle. Paddling with offset blades will reduce the wind resistance on the top blade as it moves through the air. This will ensures an optimized and more comfortable paddling experience.
