江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    构造 折叠
    应用项目 探险
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 双人
    水平 新手用
    材料 PVC, 铝制
    颜色 红色, 灰色, 黑色
    长度x宽度 610 cm(240.16 in)x69 cm(27.17 in)
    重量 28 kg(61.73 lb)
    最大板重 240 kg(529 lb)


阿尔戈号--这就是他们对希腊神话中阿尔戈纳人的不可思议的快船的称呼。最著名的50位英雄在杰森的带领下,踏上了带回 "金羊毛 "的伟大旅程。在这一过程中,他们不得不经受许多冒险,而这艘船总是扮演着重要的角色。由于它的坚固性和速度,很多障碍都被克服了,任务最终得以圆满结束。

此后,nortik argo 2被设计成快速和光滑的海上皮划艇。它是世界上唯一具有100%水密性的封闭式双座折叠皮艇。当你有大量的沿海旅行或在大型内陆水域旅行的计划时,这一点特别有利。可选的海袜也可以防止灰尘、沙子和/或盐水进入船内。同时,在翻船的情况下,它可以通过防止船只进水来确保安全。在这种情况下,你只需要清空海袜,而不是整个皮划艇。有了可选择的轻量级和绝对密封的热聚氨酯喷水裙和船舵系统,光滑的阿尔戈2号成为一艘适合开放水域的伟大探险船。

坚固的船皮是由我们经过验证的PVC/PU混合材料制成的,皮艇上安装了龙骨条作为标准。为了保持尽可能低的重量,铝是框架的第一选择。这需要在使用盐水时多加注意(关键词是 "CorroFilm"),但也明显更轻,而且包装尺寸也更小。与nortik的所有船只一样,argo 2只装在一个背包里,其重量为28公斤,令人难以置信。


Argo – That’s what they called the incredible fast ship of the Argonauts in Greek mythology. The most famous 50 heroes lead by Jason went on their big journey to bring back the “Golden Fleece”. On that occasion they had to endure a lot of adventures in which the ship always played a big role. Thanks to its robustness and speed a lot of obstacles could be overcome and the mission finally was brought to a successful ending.

Following that the nortik argo 2 was designed as a fast and sleek sea kayak. It is the world`s only closed-deck two-seater folding kayak available with a 100% water tightness. This is particularly beneficial when you have extensive coastal trips or trips on large inland waters on the program. The optional sea sock also prevents dirt, sand and / or salt water from entering the boat. At the same time, in the case of capsizing, it ensures safety by preventing the boat from running with water. In this situation, you only have to empty the sea sock, not the whole kayak. With the optionally available lightweight and absolutely sealed Thermal PU spray skirt and the rudder system, the sleek argo 2 becomes a great expedition boat for open water.

The robust boat skin is made of our proven PVC/PU-mixture the kayak has installed keel strips as a standard. In order to keep the weight as low as possible, aluminum was the first choice for the frame. This requires a little more care in the use of salt water (keyword "CorroFilm"), but is also significantly lighter and also smaller in pack size. As with all the boats from nortik the argo 2 is packed in only one backpack and its weight is incredible with 28 kg.
