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它保证在极端困难的情况的无失败服务的由头等材料制成。 kajak在被设计用浆划水: 河、湖、海和海洋。 用于船身的织品是安全的从盐水,紫外光芒的冲击和从多数化学制品。 除此以外,坚硬和防水油漆三层数提供框架以空前的耐久性。 另外的气动力学的airsponsons给是不可缺少duringthe用浆划的舒适和安全。 它是事实,那我们的kajaks在最困难的条件被测试了,当利用他们在亚马逊和西伯利亚的河例如时: 亚马逊、里约Beni,里约Madidi,马德拉岛、Tungusca和莉娜,波罗的海; 因而他们站立了考试。 我们推荐亚马逊II远征特别是那些人民,更喜欢光,不非常极端用浆划在技术上容易的水域中。



–Hull CSM–hypalon或TPU,带空气响应(SKU:S)









–包括龙骨裂缝4 x 6 cm组件(SKU:AK24)








–包括25 cm+2 x 6 cm的Florkeelstrap组件(SKU:AFK2*)













It ensures a zero failure service in extremely difficult situations, made of first-class materials. Kajak is designed to paddle water in rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. The fabric used for the hull is safe from salt water, UV light impact, and most chemical products. In addition, the three layers of hard and waterproof paint provide the frame with unprecedented durability. Additionally, aerodynamic airsponsors are essential for ensuring the comfort and safety of paddling. It is a fact that our kajaks have been tested under the most difficult conditions when utilizing their rivers in the Amazon and Siberia, such as the Amazon, Rio Beni, Rio Madidi, Madeira Island, Tungusca and Lena, and the Baltic Sea; So they stood up for the exam. We recommend the Amazon II Expedition, especially for those who prefer light and are not very extreme in using paddles in technically easy waters.

Includes :

– Frame (SKU: S)

– Hull CSM –hypalon or TPU with airsponsons (SKU: S)

– Seats (SKU: F2SS)

– Carry handles (SKU: S)

– Repair kit (SKU: ARKU)

– Packing bags 2 part (SKU: PB2-2)

– Rudder bracket (SKU: F021)

– Rudder and ruder control pedals (SKU: PCDs)

– Front protection rubber bow (SKU: ASTW)

– Rear protection rubber stern (SKU: ASTR)

– Keelstrips 4 x 6 cm assembly included (SKU: AK24)

– Lifeline with D-rings (mooring line) (SKU: ALD)

– Pockets for paddles (SKU: APPA)

– Pockets for accessories (SKU: APT)

– Pocket for PET Bottles (SKU: APB)

– Pocket for Shouvel (SKU: APS)

– Pocket for axe (SKU: APAX)

Accessories on request :

– Floorkeelstrip 25 cm + 2 x 6 cm assembly included (SKU: AFK2*)

– Rear loading hatch (SKU: ARLH)

– Front loading hatch (SKU: AFLH)

– Small front loading hatch (SKU: ASFLH)

– Lifting D-rings (SKU: ACDR)

– Anchor pocket (SKU: AAP)

– Cording / paspel (SKU: ACR)

– Spraycover (SKU: SWA*)

– Packing bags 3 parts (SKU: PB2-3*)

– Stowing straps front flappies (SKU: AFLf)

– Stowing straps rear flappies (SKU: AFLr)

– others
