江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    类型 平台式
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 冲浪
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    水平 新手用, 中间
    材料 聚乙烯
    颜色 橙色, 灰色
    长度x宽度 260 cm(102.36 in)x78 cm(30.71 in)
    重量 18 kg(39.68 lb)
    最大板重 110 kg(243 lb)


Ouassou被设计成一个多功能和可操纵的皮划艇,是海滩娱乐的理想选择。船尾的把手可以让你挂在上面游泳,并且可以方便地在船上行走。Ouassou也能舒适地应对冲浪和海浪。锅铲 "形状的船体来自于冲浪长板和竞技皮艇。轻微的龙骨和侧向轨道设计提供了方向的稳定性和出色的跟踪。当你想在海浪或白水中获得更大的控制力时,Ouassou的可选膝带系统还可以将你的身体固定在驾驶舱内。


TST - 双层板技术



1- 甲板和船身板在一个单一的操作中热成型。将船体和甲板板融合成一个完整的皮划艇,沿着轨道具有最大强度。


The Ouassou is designed as a versatile and manoeuvrabile kayak ideal for beach fun. The stern handles let you hang on and swim and allow easy access on board. The Ouassou also handles surf and waves comfortably. The ‘spatula’ shaped hull is derived from surf longboards and rodeo kayaks. The slight keel and lateral rail design provide directional stability and excellent tracking. The Ouassou’s optional knee-strap system also allows you to secure your body to the cockpit when you are looking for greater control in waves or whitewater.

The Ouassou has also three inserts on its hull which are to enable a set of soft Thruster fins to be fitted, which will improve its performance in waves. This set of fins will be available as a separate accessory. Its compact form and light weight make this a kayak that is easy to manoeuver, transport and store.


The exclusive Twin Sheet technology used in the construction of TAHE kayaks is acheived by using thermoformed Polyethylene sheets. The deck and hull sections are formed and sealed together in one single operation. The result of this fusion is incredibly durable, unique in kayak manufacture. The join line is invisible and 100% secure. This process, creating a product that is lighter, stronger and smoother finished than rotomoulding, is also anti-UV treated. Highly resistant to knocks and scratching, it gives all TAHE kayaks exceptional durability.

7 mm Polyethylene skin anti UV treated: Strong and Durable, highly resistant to knocks and scratches.

1- Deck and hull sheet thermoformed in one single operation: Fusion of hull and deck sheets into one complete kayak, with maximum strength along the rail.
