江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    类型 平台式
    构造 充气
    应用项目 钓鱼
    应用项目 河流
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    水平 新手用
    材料 铝制
    颜色 黄色, 灰色
    长度x宽度 9'09"(2.99 m)x35 in
    重量 18 kg(39.68 lb)
    最大板重 136 kg


StraitEdge™ Angler充气皮艇的设计考虑到了皮艇钓鱼者的需求。它宽大的横梁在带来大鱼的同时提供了最大的稳定性。多层材料,增加的耐磨垫和多个气室为激烈的条件提供了最大的耐久性。其革命性的可拆卸配件框架提供了各种方便的选择。通过添加售后的1英寸导轨支架,你可以定制你的皮划艇,配备鱼竿支架、探鱼器或其他设备。其他主要特点包括一个超舒适的高靠背座椅,有两个鱼竿架和一个充气式腰部支撑,适合长时间在水上航行,不锈钢D形环和蹦极甲板系带提供丰富的装备存储,以及桨架。将所有这些功能与StraitEdge™ Angler的专利铝制肋骨框架技术结合起来,可实现卓越的跟踪和性能!


- 船体设计。内置的铝制肋骨定义了船头和船尾,提高了跟踪性能。

- 多功能性:在大浪中设置为自航,在平静或寒冷的水中设置为闭口。

- 易于安装。在工厂预装。只需展开、充气和安装座椅。

- 舒适。高支撑力,可调节的软垫座椅为数小时的划行提供了舒适性。

- 耐用。重型PVC篷布材料,具有极强的抗穿刺能力。


- 配件安装轨道

- 先进的Elements Spring™阀门

- 地板上的集成泄压阀

- 前面和后面的弹力甲板

- 带不锈钢D型环的系带

- 高背座椅,带两个鱼竿架和充气式腰部支撑装置

- 用于漂流锚和绞线连接的不锈钢D形环

- 桨架


The StraitEdge™ Angler inflatable kayak has been designed with the needs of the kayak angler in mind. Its wide beam provides maximum stability while bringing in big catches. Multi-layer material, added abrasion pads, and multiple air chambers provide maximum durability for aggressive conditions. Its revolutionary removable Accessory Frame offers a variety of easy access options. By adding aftermarket 1” rail-mounts you can customize your kayak with rod holders, a fish finder, or other equipment. Other key features include an ultra comfortable high back seat with two rod holders and an inflatable lumbar support for long days on the water, stainless steel d-rings and bungee deck lacing for abundant gear storage, and paddle holders. Combine all of these features with the StraitEdge™ Angler’s patented aluminum rib-frame technology for superior tracking and performance!

Performance Details

• Hull Design: Built-in aluminum ribs define the bow and stern and improve tracking.

• Versatile: Set-up as Self-bailing in bigger waves and close ports in calm or cold water.

• Easy To Set Up: PreAssembled at the factory. Simply unfold, inflate and attach the seat.

• Comfortable: High support, adjustable padded seat provides comfort for hours of paddling.

• Durable: Heavy-duty PVC Tarpaulin material for extreme puncture resistance.


• Accessory mounting rail

• Advanced Elements Spring™ valve

• Integrated Pressure Relief Valve In Floor

• Front and rear bungee deck

• Lacing with stainless steel d-rings

• High backed seat with two rod holders and inflatable lumbar support

• Stainless steel d-rings for drift anchor and stringer attachment

• Paddle holders
