江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    构造 刚性
    应用项目 远程
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    材料 碳纤
    长度x宽度 5.85 m(19'02" )x50 cm(19.69 in)
    重量 25 kg(55.12 lb)
    最大板重 70 kg, 100 kg(154 lb, 220 lb)



距离是长距离皮划艇,适合那些不因小暴风雪而气馁。 该船的长度和轮廓使其具有足够的载荷能力,同时具有适航性,并在强风和崎岖海域中可靠跟踪。 总是有一个伟大的划桨经验和良好的速度。 船体的形状使这款长皮艇具有出色的机动性。 锁孔确保桨和船之间的必要接触,使冬季服装的出口和进入变得容易。

皮艇有三个防水隔间,标准配备了 Kajak-Sport Skeg 系统。


叠选项传统铺设 (TR) 聚酯/二烯乙烯和纤维玻璃纤维。


碳光 (CL) 船体碳纤维三明治与二烯树脂,甲板由玻璃纤维和乙烯基酯制成。

传统的布局就像经典的 Skim,但具有更多的强化,因此更刚性。 额外的刚性如预期的那样,甚至更刚性,几乎防弹。 碳光与 XR 具有相同的刚性,但到目前为止是三者中最轻的放置。



Perfect for long range kayaking

Distance is a long-range kayak for those who aren’t discouraged by a little blizzard. The boat’s length and profile give it a sufficient loading capacity in combination with seaworthiness and reliable tracking in hard wind and rough seas. Always with a great paddling experience and good speed. The hull’s shape gives this long kayak exceptional maneuverability. And the keyhole ensures essential contact between paddler and boat and makes exits and entries in winter outfit easy.

The kayak has three watertight compartments and is standard equipped with Kajak-Sport skeg system.

Available in three lay-up options

Traditional lay up (TR) Polyester/Diolen and fiber glass.

Extra Rigid (XR) Vinylester/carbon/Kevlar/glass fiber and diolen.

Carbon light (CL) hull of carbon fiber sandwich with diolen resin with a deck constructed in fiberglass and vinylester.

Traditional lay-up is like the classic Skim yet with more reinforcement and therefore more rigid. Extra rigid is as expected even more rigid and nearly bomb proof. 
Carbon light has the same rigidness as the XR, but is by far the most lightweight lay up of the three.

Handmade in Finland
