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探索 SeaCruiser-讲述更好的故事。SeaCruiser 能够满足日常划桨和探险的需求。 它的外观和性能是大胆的。 多才多艺的海瑞斯是...

SeaCruiser 能够满足日常划桨和探险的需求。 它的外观和性能是大胆的。 多才多艺的 SeaCruiser 是您在想要感到舒适和安全的时候需要的良好朋友。 一个朋友,无论什么大自然投向你的方式。

这是一个伟大的旅游皮划艇,为远征桨船提供可靠的巡航能力,而入门级桨船将立即感到舒适与它的稳定性。 中档皮艇,精美地布置与伟大的完成和质量,它携带足够的齿轮进行广泛的探险。 一个整洁的独家功能,作为标准配置,是一个额外的日舱口,因此您现在可以轻松地通过每一天的舱口进入一个单独的密封隔间。 使用它们,你喜欢的,但你可以在一个堆放干燥的齿轮和湿的东西在另一个。

SeaCruiser 标准配备创新型对称式测斜系统。 驾驶舱很大,便于入口端出出,并配备了...性的 AIR 座椅,通过将内置安全气囊充气且易于使用的手动泵,从而实现最大的舒适性和舒适性。


Discover SeaCruiser - Tell better stories The SeaCruiser answers to the demands of daily paddling and expedition adventures alike. It is bold in appearance as well as performance. The multi-talented SeaCruiser is...

The SeaCruiser answers to the demands of daily paddling and expedition adventures alike. It is bold in appearance as well as performance. The multi-talented SeaCruiser is the well-behaved friend you need at times when you want to feel comfortable and safe. A friend, no matter what Mother Nature hurls your way.

This is a great touring kayak that offers reliable cruising capabilities for expedition paddlers while entry-level paddlers will feel immediately comfortable with its stability. A mid-range kayak, beautifully appointed with great finish and quality it carries enough gear for extensive expeditions. A neat exclusive feature, fitted as standard, is an extra day hatch, so you now have easy access to a separate sealed compartment through each of the two day hatches. Use them how you like, but you can stow dry gear in one and wet stuff in the other.

The SeaCruiser is standard fitted with the innovative Symmetry Skeg system. The cockpit is large for easy entry end exit and is equipped with the revolutionary AIR seat which allows for maximum comfort and fit by inflating built-in airbags with easy-to-use hand pumps.
