江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    构造 刚性
    应用项目 探险, 远程
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人



海上皮划艇的...和体验不仅适合专家... 但是,如果您的探险需要地图,那么您将需要在 Essence 系列中找到更多的速度、舒适度和存储空间。

现代船体设计融合了强大的 V 形船头和船尾,并带有定义的下方凹痕,提供真正的方向稳定性和出色的边缘控制。 可预测的操控性、机动性和令人印象深刻的前进速度为桨船提供了这次伟大的探险所需的所有性能。 无论你是专家还是发展划桨技能,良好的初始和次要稳定性将让您把你的海上巡演体验提升到新的水平。

无论你划桨有多远,或条件有多严苛的程度,性能配合对于优化划桨控制至关重要。 我们的 Zone EXP 座椅系统在 Essence 系列中为您带来远征级装备,而不会降低舒适度。 获得专利的可调节腿部升降器支撑、软垫大腿支架和低调背带均符合人体工程学设计,提供全天舒适度。 日间舱口可进入一个单独的舱口隔间,因此您可以轻松追踪您需要的零件,而大型船头和船尾堆放隔间则可提供多日旅行所需的空间。 对于那些想要离开岸边安全的人来说,船头上的凹槽会让你安装一个指南针,让你走上正确的路线。


There's no room for boundaries when you're pushing the limits!

The thrill and experience of sea kayaking isn't just for experts... however if your expedition requires a map, then you're going to need the added speed, comfort and storage found in the Essence range.

A modern hull design incorporates a strong V-shaped bow and stern with defined chines to provide true directional stability and splendid edge control. Predictable handling, manoeuvrability and impressive forward speed gives paddlers all the performance needed for that great expedition. Good initial and secondary stability will allow you to take your sea touring experiences to new levels, whether you are an expert or developing your paddling skills.

No matter how far you're paddling or how extreme the conditions, a performance fit is essential in optimising paddler control. Our Zone EXP seating system found in the Essence series brings you expedition grade outfitting without compromising on comfort. Patented adjustable leg lifter support, padded thigh braces and a low profile backband are ergonomically designed for all day comfort. A day hatch gives access to a separate bulkhead compartment so you can keep track of those bits you need in easy reach, while the large bow and stern stowage compartments offer the space required for multi-day trips. For those who want to leave the safety of the shore, a recess on the bow will allow you to mount a compass to keep you on the right course.
