江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    类型 平台式
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 钓鱼
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人


Gil 原来的大妈妈皮艇,被定位在单座区段的范围。

一艘 266 厘米长的皮艇,承载能力为 125 公斤,使其实用、轻便且易于运输。

稳定... 由于一个 V 形龙骨,“切水” 和一个槽底。

实用... 由于后方运输轮并入船体,它允许它


智能... 有两个装载舱,一个在船头与弹性停止载荷,


全部包括... 可在后部关闭和调节的固定座椅。


吉尔是一款 “吹塑” 皮艇,保证了刚性和稳定性出于普通的这一

段皮艇,它是非常耐... 这几乎是不可能


吉尔也被认为是皮艇的大家庭, 船体的构象允许一个

“堆叠” 存储, 因此也非常适合洗澡的海滩.

钓鱼的可能性.. Gil 设计用于安装一个中央可调杆支架。



Gil the original Big Mama kayak that is positioned in the single-seat segment of the range.

A 266 cm long kayak with a load capacity of 125 kg makes it practical, light and easily transportable by anyone.

Stable ... thanks to a V-shaped keel that "cut the water" and a grooved bottom.

Practical ... thanks to the rear transport wheel incorporated in the hull, it allows it to be

transported from the car to the beach.

Intelligent ... with its two loading compartments, one in the bow with the elastic stops loads, and a

larger one with a stern emptying cap, closed by a very practical nylon net.

All included ... Fixed seat that can be closed and adjusted at the rear.

Central locker with hinged opening.

The Gil is a "blow-molded" kayak that guarantees a rigidity and stability out of the ordinary for a

kayak of this segment, it is extremely resistant ... it is practically impossible to damage the hull

during navigation.

The Gil is also considered the kayak for the large family, the conformation of the hull allows a

"stackable" storage, therefore ideal also for the bathing beaches.

Possibility of fishing .. the Gil is designed for mounting a central adjustable rod holder.

Be wary of imitations, only the Gil is the original Big Mama Kayak
