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    类型 平台式
    构造 充气
    应用项目 休闲
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 双人


享受有朋友(或两的伟大的户外!),设计为坚固性坚强、皮船提供轻便的别田嗯,easystorage和快速的设定。嗯是13' 9" (412cm),为湖设计的一两艘人皮船和适度水。Thisinflatable几乎划皮船重量由29.8lbs (13.5kg)决定,并且有重量容量342lbs (155kg)。它有跟踪skegs thatmake操纵容易甚而对新手用户。别田嗯是初学者的一个自然选择对中级水平的paddelers。容易主要的特点设定:展开,膨胀andattach位子。舒适:高支持,可调整的位子sprovide舒适几个小时用浆划。耐久性:耐用加强极端刺抵抗的PVC材料。反紫外,海水织品。特点:在地板、橡皮筋甲板鞋带、脚括号系统和安全橡胶把柄的集成阀门在弓和船尾。船身&甲板:可调整工字金属梁可膨胀的PVC的甲板和可膨胀的在弓和严厉的弓和严厉的安全和运载线的PVC坐垫位子橡胶把柄给予额外安全考虑


Enjoy the great outdoors with a friend (or two!), designed for rugged sturdiness, Betta HM kayaks offer portability, easystorage and fast set up. HM is up to 13'9" (412cm), one or two person kayak designed for lakes and moderate water. Thisinflatable kayak weight up to nearly 29.8lbs (13.5kg), and has a weight capacity of 342lbs (155kg). It has tracking skegs thatmake maneuvering easy even for a novice user. Betta HM is a natural choice for beginners to intermediate level paddelers. Key Features Easy To Set Up: Simply unfold, inflate andattach the seat. Comfortable: High support, adjustable seat sprovide comfort for hours of paddling. Durable: Heavy-duty reinforce PVC material for extreme puncture resistance. Anti-UV, seawater fabric. Features: Integrated valve in floor, bungee deck lacing, foot brace system, and safety rubber handles on bow and stern. Hull & Deck: I-beam inflatable PVC deck Adjustable and inflatable PVC cushion seat Rubber handles on bow and stern Bow and stern safety and carrying lines gives extra safety consideration
