江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    类型 平台式
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 钓鱼
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 双人
    材料 复合材料
    颜色 黄色, 灰色
    长度x宽度 3.71 m (12'02")x96.5 cm (37.99 in)
    重量 43 kg (94.8 lb)
    最大板重 204 kg (450 lb)


对于新手和专家来说,Recon是一个鼓舞人心的捕鱼机器,它是一个工厂装载的船,你可以按照自己的方式来操纵。有了一个完全可定制的开放平台,一系列革命性的新功能,以及选择首选推进方式的自由 - 桨、踏板或动力 - Recon系列皮划艇是未来的钓鱼能力。(注:该模型具有Helix PD™踏板驱动功能,Helix PD™踏板驱动可单独购买。Recon 120 HD已经安装了Helix踏板驱动器)。)售后市场的马达也可以通过一个直接到船尾的安装接口来部署。


侦察系列的特点是S.M.A.R.T.船体技术的下一个演变 - 野性系统的标志性设计方法,仔细和巧妙地结合稳定性,可操作性,加速度,响应性和跟踪,提供在所有水域的最终性能。该模型的船体优化了任何旅行方式,无论是划水、踩踏还是驾驶,都有专门的体积分布和水线下的细微差别,使船快速而稳定地行驶。



A confidence-inspiring fishing machine for both the novice and expert, the Recon is a factory-loaded boat that you can rig your way. With a fully customizable open platform, a lineup of revolutionary new features, and the freedom to choose the preferred mode of propulsion – paddle, pedal, or power – the Recon series of kayaks are the future of fishability. (Note: This model is Helix PD™ Pedal Drive-capable and the Helix PD™ Pedal Drive can be purchased separately. The Recon 120 HD comes with the Helix Pedal Drive installed.) Aftermarket motors can also be deployed with a direct-to-boat stern mounting interface.

A supremely wide-open deck affords the angler an abundance of space, freedom of motion, and provides a rock-solid platform from which to stand, cast, and hookset in confidence. The functional layout of the intuitive topdeck interface keeps all your gear and essentials within reach, with ample surface areas for personal modifications.

The Recon series features next evolution of S.M.A.R.T. Hull Technology – Wilderness Systems' signature design approach that carefully and masterfully combines Stability, Maneuverability, Acceleration, Responsiveness, and Tracking to deliver the ultimate performance in all waters. This model's hull optimizes any mode of travel, be it paddling, pedaling, or motoring, with specialized volume distribution and under-the-waterline nuances to keep the boat moving quickly and steadily.

The Recon series also establishes a new paradigm for storage. The StowPro Storage System features an extra-large gasketed hatch and a thoughtfully configured bin to access, organize and defend important gear.
