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海洋游览单人刚性皮划艇 (轻量级快速竞赛皮划艇)
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 游览, 竞赛
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人







Solo /Asymmetrical

Touring /Wilderness Tripping /Adventure Racing/Sea Kayaking / Kayak Sailing

The Falcon is a boat that lives up to its name! Fast and maneuverable with excellent glide, it uses the hull of one of our top selling canoes, the “Blackwater”. With the added deck, the Falcon has the same advantages as the Blackwater, while still being very light-weight. The deck adds the ability to keep your gear dry with the added spray skirt and is not affected by the wind and waves like an open canoe. It can be paddled like a canoe with the higher seat or like a kayak with the lower seat option. With the lower seat the Falcon can take on larger waves so it can be used on open water like a sea kayak.

The cockpit size is fully customizable, either as a regular sea kayak or a larger, more open cockpit for easier cargo packing and more room for the paddler. The deck height can also be customized to fit larger paddlers and more gear or lowered for lighter paddlers and a more streamlined craft. The rudder option greatly enhances the tracking and turning ability of this boat making it a good choice in rougher conditions.
