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    构造 刚性
    应用项目 运动巡游
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人



英寻的非常有效率的船身是快速的,几乎不费力加速加速,运载舒适的程度最初的稳定。 坚硬脊椎的组合中间运输,并且健康程度摇摆物提供做倾斜的被雕刻的轮的高次要稳定,并且弓船舵转动微风。

英寻今后很好跟踪或者或向后和skeg的微妙的部署在小增加的考虑到优化在所有风或波浪或者齿轮被装载的配置。 当塑造外形的大腿括号做甚而小被构筑的桨手感受安全适合时,它是充分的容量前面甲板提供宽裕的室更长的腿和脚。 英寻是寻找不仅将喜欢,但是使您高兴有它的是光滑,并且嬉戏的自然和它时髦的典雅的线的一艘敏感,活泼的皮船的所有桨手的当务之急。


The Fathom is a kayak from Eddyline that is sure to please the paddler looking for that extra edge of performance regardless of your skill level.

The Fathom’s highly efficient hull is fast, nearly effortless to accelerate to speed, yet carries a comfortable degree of initial stability. The combination of hard chines mid-ship and a healthy degree of rocker provide high secondary stability making leaned carved turns and bow rudder turns a breeze.

The Fathom tracks well either forward or backwards and subtle deployment of the skeg in small increments allows for fine tuning in any wind/wave or gear loaded configuration. It’s full volume front deck provides ample room for longer legs and feet while the contoured thigh braces makes even the small framed paddler feel a secure fit. The Fathom is a must for any paddler looking for a responsive, lively kayak that will not only please but delight you with it’s smooth yet playful nature and it stylish elegant lines.
