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    构造 折叠
    应用项目 游览, 长距离
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    水平 新手用
    材料 碳纤, Kevlar®
    其他特性 透明
    长度x宽度 4 m (13'01")x56 cm (22.05 in)
    重量 11.8 kg (26.01 lb)
    最大板重 136 kg (300 lb)


清蓝公司可以自豪地说,顶级型号 Napali 不仅是世界上唯一的透明可折叠皮艇,也是最轻的皮艇之一,仅重 12 千克。Napali 是功能与时尚的完美结合。它被《财富》杂志评为 2003 年度最佳户外产品,被《时代》杂志评为 2003 年度最酷的发明之一,还获得了著名的 SGMA "2004 年度体育产品 "奖(体育用品行业的奥斯卡奖)的提名。

Napali 由高科技、耐用、耐腐蚀的内部碳纤维凯夫拉(Kevlar)框架系统支撑,配备透明的...级聚氨酯表皮,将重量控制在最低限度。这种领先的创新技术使皮艇折叠后的体积小到足以装入登山背包,但仍能提供透明皮艇所带来的无限探索可能。这使得纳帕利成为长途旅行、越野皮划艇和需要方便运输的度假旅行的理想皮艇。

也许有人会认为,该艇的高功能性和轻重量是以牺牲设计为代价的。然而,当您看到 Napali 时,您很快就会忘记 "妥协 "一词的含义。Napali 甚至还具有非凡的视觉吸引力,其炫目的外观和优雅高贵的气质在皮划艇世界中无与伦比。即使 Napali 只是挂在架子上一动不动,其流线型车身的流畅线条和柔和曲线也能散发出纯粹的动感活力。从 Napali 结构的每一个细节中,我们都能看到和感受到卓越的品质和工艺。


Clear Blue are proud to be able to say that the top model Napali is not only the sole transparent foldable kayak in the world; it is also among the very lightest, weighing only 12kg. The Napali masterpiece is an unrivalled blend of function and style. Voted by Fortune magazine as the top outdoor product of the year 2003 and by Time magazine as one of the coolest inventions of 2003, it was also nominated for the prestigious SGMA award ‘Sports Product of the Year 2004’, the Academy Award of the sporting goods industry.

The Napali is supported by a high-tech, durable and corrosion-resistant internal Carbon Kevlar frame system that comes equipped with a transparent military-grade Urethane skin, keeping the weight at a minimum. The leading-edge innovation allows the kayak to fold up small enough to fit into a hiking backpack, yet still offer the endless possibilities for discovery that transparent kayaks give. This makes the Napali the ideal kayak for long-distance touring, back-country kayaking and vacational travels that require easy transport.

One may think that the high functionality and light weight of the boat were built at the expense of design. However, when you look at the Napali, you’ll soon forget the meaning of the word “compromise”. The Napali even offers extraordinary visual appeal with a dazzling look and graceful, elegant presence that is unparalleled in the world of kayaking. The sleek lines and soft curves of its streamlined body radiate pure dynamic energy, even when the Napali is only hanging on its rack, motionless. Outstanding quality and craftsmanship can be seen and felt in every detail of the Napali’s construction.
