江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    类型 平台式
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 休闲
    应用项目 海洋, 河流, 休闲
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    水平 中间
    材料 聚乙烯
    颜色 彩色
    长度x宽度 305 cm (120.08 in)x81 cm (31.89 in)
    重量 26 kg (57.32 lb)
    最大板重 147 kg (324 lb)


来自Wilderness Systems的Targa 100坐式休闲皮划艇是你通往自由的门票。

它非常适合一日游,在舒适性、稳定性和无忧无虑的精神方面提供了适当的平衡。新的吊带式座椅舒适、透气、可调。宽敞的地板有足够的空间伸展--我们甚至包括一个脚跟垫,这样你就可以向后踢并放松。船体是稳定的,所以无论你在哪里冒险,你都可以自信地划动,并获得最大的便利。这款坐式皮艇的设计具有优质的功能,如一个集成的、可移动的冷却器,可以很容易地从你的座位上进入,并带着你在岸上进行午餐休息。你还会享受到大量的存储选项,如船头的连帽存储区,将你的物品放在一个地方,同时还提供防溅保护,帮助你保持干燥。还有一个开放的、配备了蹦极绳的后部存储甲板,可以将额外的装备安全地放在后面。四个刚性手柄和两个模制的内嵌式手柄使这艘休闲皮划艇易于携带,机架缺口有助于保持船的位置,以便于在屋顶架上装载。所以,去吧,带着Targa 100转一转,看看它能带你到哪里去。


The Targa 100 sit-on-top recreational kayak from Wilderness Systems is your ticket to freedom.

Perfect for day trips, it offers the right balance of comfort, stability, and carefree spirit. The new sling-style seat is comfortable, breathable, and adjustable. There is plenty of room to stretch out with a wide-open floor — and we even included a heel pad so you can kick back and relax. The hull is stable so you can paddle with confidence and ultimate ease wherever your adventures take you. This sit-on-top kayak is designed with premium features like an integrated, removable cooler that is easy to access from your seat and take along with you for a lunch break ashore. You will also enjoy plenty of storage options like a hooded bow storage area to keep your belongings in one place while also offering splash protection to help keep you dry. There’s also an open, bungee-equipped, rear storage deck to keep extra gear secure in the back. Four rigid handles and two molded in-stern handles make this recreational kayak easy to carry, and the rack notch helps keep the boat in place for easy loading on a roof rack. So, go ahead and take the Targa 100 for a spin to see where it can take you.
