江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    类型 私人
    最大深度 40 m (131'02")
    长度x宽度 11.5 m (37'08")x2.3 m (7'06")
    速度 6 kt


三叉戟 Mk II CDDC 的设计十分巧妙,可通过结合使用水面、半水面和水下模式进行远距离作战、插入和撤离。如果发现被探测到的风险增加,飞船可以迅速从水面模式转入水下模式,以进一步减少其特征。模式之间的转换是无缝进行的,不会改变飞行员的操作,也不会影响前进速度。

三叉戟 Mk II 具有双冗余高级计算机控制系统(ACCS),只需按一下按钮就能启动各种导航或有效载荷选项。ACCS 还能自主控制压载和修整平面、前往预定坐标、保持位置、运行搜索网格或返回基地。

- 灵活的座位设置,最多可容纳 10 人 + 2 名战斗潜水员

- 工作深度 40 米。

- 全长 11.5 米,宽 2.3 米,可装入 40 英尺集装箱

- 全速 40 节,续航力 300 海里

- 水下巡航速度 + 6 海里/小时,续航力 30 海里/小时

- 可轻松更换有效载荷选项,以满足您的任务需求

- 自主能力

- CDDC 设计用于优化水面和水下操作


阿马卡夫公司深知对每艘船进行严格培训的重要性,其中最重要的莫过于我们的 Mk II 潜水器。我们希望客户能够了解并充分发挥潜水器的能力。

阿码科技为我们的 Mk II 潜水器开发了自己的模拟培训程序,以便每位操作员/机组人员都能熟悉 Mk II 潜水器。物理/生理学/潜水危险的理论课程。在开始实战训练之前,在陆地上的安全环境中进行任务规划和编程。


Trident Mk II CDDC is cleverly designed for long range operations, insertion, and extraction via the combined use of surface, semi, and submerged modes. If an increased risk of detection is identified, the craft can quickly transit from surface to submerged mode to reduce its signature further. The transition between the modes is done seamlessly, with no change in pilot handling or disruption in forward speed.

Trident Mk II has a dual redundancy Advanced Computerized Control System ( ACCS ) with one push activation for a variety of navigation or payload options. ACCS also autonomously controls the ballast and trim planes, go to predefined coordinates, hold position, run search grid, or return to home base

- Flexible seating with max 10 + 2 combat diver

- Operational depth 40 meters.

- Full length 11,5 m , Beam 2,3 m, fits in 40 ft container

- Full surface speed of 40 knots, endurance 300 NM

- Submerged cruise of + 6 knots, endurance 30 NM

- Easy interchangeable payload options to suit your missions

- Autonomous capabilities

- CDDC has been designed for optimized operation above and below surface


Armacraft know the importance of rigorous training of each of our vessels and none more important than our Mk II submersible craft. We want our clients to be able to understand and use the full capability of the submersible.

Armacraft has developed our own simulation training program for our Mk II submersible so that each operator/crew can familiarize with the Mk II submersible. Theoretical courses of physic/physiology/diving hazards. Mission planning and programing, in a safe environment on land before starting the live training.
