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    无人机类型 四旋翼
    应用 竞赛
    其他特性 密封, 浮动
    航时 15 min


快速2充分地被装配和100% RTF (准备好飞行),权利在有被配对的RC发射机的箱子外面,2个电池、所有必要的成套工具和工具为维护。的老练的飞行员很好被建立了和飞行参量前调整的FPV系统被要赛跑表现。真正地没有需要调整PID,连接电池和飞行!在自级的方式下,甚而初学者能采取完全控制快速2在他的第一个尝试由于它卓著的自安定。说与伟大的敏捷性,这是一个FPV自由式的最佳的竟赛者。

猛击空气在150 km/h

符合4S电池,最大飞行速度是150 km/h (94英里/小时),0-100 km/h在3秒在率方式下。


赛跑级的#2205 2300KV马达,25A ESC (支持峰顶在40A)与提供巨大力量的3台刃状的推进器给220mm大小的quadcopter


Swift 2 is fully assembled and 100% RTF (ready to fly), right out of box with paired RC transmitter, 2 batteries, all necessary kits and tools for maintenance.The FPV system has been well set up and the flight parameters pre-tuned by experienced pilots for the most wanted racing performance.There really is no need to adjust the PID at all, just connect the battery, and fly! In Self-level mode, even a beginner can take full control of Swift 2 in his first attempt due to its outstanding self-stabilization. Added with great agility, it is one of the best racer for FPV freestyle.

Punch the Air at 150 km/h

Fitted with a 4S battery, the max flight speed is up to 150 km/h (94 mph), 0-100 km/h in just 3 seconds in Rate mode.

Swift 2 is super light, ultra simple, with near perfect aerodynamics and excellent maneuverability.

Racing-level #2205 2300KV motors, 25A ESC (Supporting a Peak at 40A) with 3 bladed propellers providing tremendous power to the 220mm sized quadcopter
