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当你观看Frankie Panno的比赛时,你知道你正在见证一些特别的东西。没有人能够像Frankie那样去攻击波浪,而他对前沿特技的创造性眼光,正一手将跪板运动推向新的高度。HO有幸拥有一位传奇人物和领导者,将膝上滑板和膝上滑板产品设计推向新的高度。Frankie根据自己的口味调整了膝板产品系列。他的专业模型代理上有精美的丝网印刷的顶部和底部以及较软的密度膝垫,代表了膝板的巅峰。看看Frankie的最新产品吧!

- 3段式摇杆设计,最大限度地提高了各种尺寸的浮力。

- 钻石状的前端和尾部形状,让你的滑行更流畅。

- 弯曲的流线型通道,可使边缘保持较深,并在水面上形成速度。

- 软着陆脊柱,在冲入平地时缓冲着陆。

- 双密度膝盖垫,优化控制和骑手的舒适性,当去大的

- PannoLock双锁膝带是游戏中性能最好、最耐用的膝带。

- 2个膝带位置选择


When you watch Frankie Panno ride, you know you are witnessing something special. No one attacks the wakes like Frankie and his creative eye for cutting-edge stunts is single handedly pushing kneeboarding to new heights. HO is fortunate to have a legend and leader pushing kneeboarding and kneeboard product design to new levels. Frankie tweaked the kneeboard product line to his tastes. A beautifully silk screened top and base and softer density kneepad on his pro model Agent represent the pinnacle of kneeboarding. Check out Frankie's latest ride!

• - 3-Stage Rocker Design maximizes pop off all wake sizes

• - Diamond Tip and Tail Shape for clean release off the wake

• - Curved Flow Channels for a deep edge hold that builds speed into the wake

• - Soft Landing Spine to cushion landings when punching into the flats

• - Dual Density Knee Pad for optimized control and rider comfort when going big

• - PannoLock Double Locking Knee Strap for the best performing most durable strap in the game

• - 2 Knee Strap location options
