江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    构造 充气
    应用 游览
    使用者 成人
    颜色 彩色
    座位数量 一人座
    长度 12'07" (3.84 m)


HO Sports的Marlin iSUP是一款以性能为导向设计的高端旅游桨板。 利用我们新的纳米缝合结构,我们能够建造一个比标准充气桨板硬30%、轻30%的板子。 马林 "的特点是更长、更窄的形状,以实现高性能。 这种高效的流体力学形状将使你在划水冒险中达到新的速度。 海洋等级的甲板垫提供了一个防滑的牵引表面,脚下也很舒适。 马林号的另一个了不起的特点是双倍的双X弹力区,它使你的存储容量增加了一倍,使你可以在你的SUP的前面和后面存储装备。 超大的单一中心鳍提供了良好的跟踪和侧向稳定性。 你会喜欢前面的存储和携带袋,它不仅携带舒适,而且有足够的空间存放SUP、双功能手泵和桨。 给自己买一个Marlin,让你的冒险开始。


- 纳米缝合结构 - 游览桨板的形状

- 15厘米(6英寸)厚的MSL/双侧壁

- 海洋级EVA甲板垫

- 旅游鳍

- 双人双X弹弓存储区

- 带PSI压力表的双作用手泵

- 储存和携带的背包

- 可调节的3片式桨叶

- 多个双层氯丁橡胶填充的提手

- 2.5毫米不锈钢D型环

- 使用本产品时一定要穿上救生衣


The Marlin iSUP by HO Sports is a high-end touring paddleboard designed with performance in mind. Utilizing our new Nano Stitch Construction, we’re able to build a board that is 30% stiffer and 30% lighter than standard inflatable paddleboards. The Marlin features a longer and narrower shape for high performance. This efficient, hydrodynamic shape will allow you to reach new speeds on your paddling adventures. The marine grade deck pad delivers a non-slip traction surface that is also comfortable underfoot. Another awesome feature of the Marlin is the dual double-x bungee zones which double your storage capacity by allowing you to store gear on the front and the back of your SUP. The oversized, single center fin provides excellent tracking as well as lateral stability. You will love the front loading storage and carry bag which is not only comfortable to carry but has plenty of room for the SUP, the Dual-Action hand pump and the paddle. Get yourself a Marlin and let your adventures begin.

Quick Features:

• - Nano Stitch Construction

• - Touring Paddleboard Shape

• - 15cm(6in) thick MSL/double sidewall

• - Marine Grade EVA Deck Pad

• - Touring Fin

• - Dual Double X Bungee Storage Zones

• - Dual Action Hand Pump with PSI pressure gauge

• - Storage & Carry Backpack

• - Adjustable 3 Piece Paddle

• - Multiple Dual Layer Neoprene Padded Carry Handles

• - 2.5mm Stainless Steel D-rings

• - Always wear a Life Vest while using this product
