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Sea Pools

FunAir 充气海泳池是一个安全舒适的方式,在您的超级游艇体验期间享受海外游泳。 泳池提供防止水母和海洋小动物的紧密编织网,并提供一个封闭的区域,以防止包机客人在水流中漂浮。

我们提供各种游泳池配置,以适合您的游泳平台背面或游艇旁边。 我们最新的海滩俱乐部海洋泳池已经成为 Instagram 的感觉,业主和客人可以在泳池周围扩展的甲板区域享受泳池,还可以部署多个 Wave 躺椅,在海中营造豪华池畔体验。 我们还拥有一个库存快船海上游泳池,可在短短几天内在全球运输,以帮助满足任何最后一分钟的包机请求。

我们的泳池填充器可以在甲板上创造一个可用的休闲空间,防止客人掉进一个空的泳池,我们经常为小朋友提供喷水池,可以直接放置在江南app官方链接 上。 所有海上游泳池均配有游泳辅助手柄和绳索。 每个海泳池都包括一个 FunAir 电动泵。




FunAir 充气装置由我们世界一流的工程团队精心设计,并采用世界上最好的材料和制造技术精心制作。


下降针或 0.9mm 28*26 1000 丹尼尔 PVC,具有 FR 和紫外线等级,12 盎司-1000 丹尼尔混乱,316 不锈钢配件,防滑材料,热风焊接接缝,防腐网


Sea Pools

FunAir inflatable sea pools are a safe and comfortable way to enjoy swimming out in the ocean during your superyacht experience. The pools provide protection from jellyfish and sea critters with tightly woven netting, and provide an enclosed area to prevent charter guests from floating away in the current.

We offer a variety of pool configurations to fit the back of your swim platform or alongside your yacht. Our latest Beach Club Sea Pool has become an instagram sensation with owners and guests enjoying the extended deck areas around the pool, and space to have multiple Wave Loungers deployed to create a luxury poolside experience out in the middle of the ocean. We also have an in-stock Quick Ship Sea Pool that can be shipped globally in just a few days to help fulfil any last minute charter requests.

Our pool fillers can create a usable lounging space on the deck and prevent guests from falling into an empty pool, and we often supply splash pools for the little ones that can be placed directly on the yacht’s deck. All sea pools come with swimmer assist grab handles and ropes. Each Sea Pool includes a FunAir electric pump.


Add netting to your pool and it will help keep out annoying jellyfish and other sea life so your guests can enjoy swimming in the ocean.

Product Specs

FunAir inflatables are thoughtfully designed by our world class engineering team and carefully hand-made with the world’s best materials and manufacturing techniques.

Material Specifications

Drop Stitch or 0.9mm 28*26 1000 denier PVC with FR and UV ratings, 12 oz. - 1000 denier baffling, 316 stainless steel hardware, non slip material, hot air welded seams, no-rot netting
