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我们的第一个签名-真空生产-碳直立的特点是其稍微弯曲的形状。 这种空气动力学形状可吸收由拉伸树冠造成的张力。
这款高端独家直立式既可用作遮阳伞的中心杆,也可用作大型遮阳伞的 [重复] 角杆。
另外,在较低的层面上,可以将第二个檐篷/吊床安装在 4 个极上,作为一个大的太阳床。

我们的第二个设计是一个坚固而轻便的偏移版本,适用于遮阳伞,或作为 [重复] 角杆,用于更大的遮阳篷。 此外,这个版本可以提供一个独立的太阳床。

我们的两个杆都安装在甲板上,如果需要,它们可以连接电源。 没有底板使得杆周围的空间完全可以访问。 安装后,设置或拆卸遮阳篷只需几分钟。
对于存储,我们提供与立柱和天篷相匹配的袋子,并为甲板设施提供 [高光抛光] 盖板。

通过垂直 LED 灯带,顶部或底部的聚光灯整合在碳直立,照亮您的甲板、庭院或花园。 通过多变的颜色和可调节的亮度,您可以选择自己的氛围,所有这些都可以通过移动设备进行控制。



Carbon Uprights description
Our first signature - vacuum produced - carbon upright is characterised by its slightly curved shape. This aerodynamic shape absorbs the tension caused by stretched canopy.
This high-end exclusive upright can either be used as a center pole for a parasol or function as [repetitive] corner poles for a large canopy.
Optionally, on a lower level, a second canopy/hammock can be attached to the 4 poles to function as a large sun bed.

Our second design is a robust yet lightweight offset version for parasols or function as [repetitive] corner poles for a larger canopy. Also this version can be delivered with a separate sun bed.
For both poles and fabric we offer many color options.

Both our poles are installed inside the deck where they - if needed - connect with a power source. The absence of a floor plate makes space around the pole fully accessible. Once installed, setting up or removing the awning only takes a few minutes.
For storage, we deliver matching bags for the uprights and canopy, and [high gloss polished] cover plates for the deck facilities.

- Integrated induction lighting:
By means of a vertical LED-strip, spot light on top or bottom integrated in the carbon upright to light up your deck, patio or garden. With the changeable colours and adjustable brightness, you can choose your own atmosphere, all controllable by a mobile device.

- Integrated Mist-spraying:
The integrated mist system in the uprights generates a delightful cooling spray for warm days.