江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    类型 防护罩
    应用领域 摩托艇


如果您打算将船只长期存放在室外,船罩有助于保持船只的美观。一个好的船罩可以阻挡雨水和阳光。Sunbrella 船罩以耐用、防褪色和易于打理而著称。我们的船罩配有必要的硬件,以保持中心脊向上。船罩中心的隆起可以防止积水和水坑。

我们所有的船罩都是为每艘船定制的。因此,买方可以选择 Sunbrella 销售的任何一种船舶级织物。可在 Sunbrella Consumer Marine 网站上找到可用颜色的完整清单。 我们使用其 46 或 60 英寸宽的 "Marine Top "材料,具体取决于船只的大小。


A boat cover is helpful to keep your boat looking nice if you intend on storing it outside for any length of time. A good cover keeps the rain water out, and the sun off. Sunbrella covers are known for their durability, fade resistence and ease of care. Our covers come with the necessary hardware to keep the center ridge up. The rise in the center of the boat cover keeps the water from collecting and puddling.

All of our boat covers are custom made for each boat. Therefore the buyer can select any of the marine grade fabrics that Sunbrella sells. A full listing of the available colors can be found at Sunbrella Consumer Marine. We use their “Marine Top” material in either the 46 or the 60 inch wide fabric depending on the size of the boat.