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    应用 室外装饰
    质料 PVC


组成曼波音乐线的织品是被涂上的PVC/PU。 厚度来自主要由材料组成身体涂层的层数。

它为耐久性设计它是否被暴露在元素户外或者被服从对在公开好客的繁忙运输。 曼波音乐的宜人和创新方面掩藏是的它先进的技术设计什么是在维护之后织品的耐久性和舒适。

变换的曼波音乐对完成品是否简单和令人满意,转换成所有室内装饰品样式坐垫或铣板。 材料可以热被铸造。

曼波音乐我们的意图将仿效一块传统帆布,以提高它的自然神色的许多色彩变化,表面出现大概是最创新的所有,根据最老练设计趋向。 颜色板台是夺目的并且完全适应国际味道和口味。


The fabrics that make up the Mambo lines are PVC/PU coated. The thickness comes mainly from the layer of coating that composes the body of the material.

It is designed for durability whether it is exposed to the elements outdoors, or subjected to heavy traffic in public hospitality. Mambo's pleasant and innovative aspect hides its advanced technical design which is what is behind the fabric's durability and ease of maintenance.

Transforming Mambo in to a finished product is simple and satisfying, whether converted in to cushions or paneling of any upholstery style. The material can be thermo-molded.

With Mambo our intention was to imitate a traditional canvas, with a wealth of chromatic variances that enhance its natural look, the surface appearance is probably the most innovative of all, in line with the most sophisticated of design trends. The colour pallet is eye-catching and adapts perfectly to international flavours and tastes.
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