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风暴艏三角帆( 巡游帆船用船帆)
    类型 风暴艏三角帆
    应用 巡游帆船用


ATN, Inc. 专利的 “Gale Sail” 是在风暴条件下提升风暴臂的最安全、最简单的方法。

-超大活塞汉克斯 PLUS 织带扣环,便于起重
-由于悬挂在毛茸茸的头帆上,Gale Sail 可防止任何危险的意外展开活动。
-无需对钻机进行变换或改造。 大风帆已准备好立即吊挂。
-大风帆,因为它悬挂在非常僵硬的辊盖帆上,具有很大的空气动力学形状,比传统的风暴臂挂在可拆卸的头枕上,或部分毛绒帆,这大部分时间都没有设计或建造用于此目的。 此外,并非所有的滚轮槽都是为了珊瑚礁而建造的。
-大风帆上下滑动非常好,因为 Dacron 滑过本身非常好。 下次你走在甲板上的折叠帆时,注意到它是多么滑。
-它需要的叶片张力比传统的风暴臂需要,因为它的叶片(袋子)是由滚轮毛绒帆的宽前部支撑。 同样,摩擦不是问题,因为大风帆骑在大面积上。 摩擦是一个问题,当很大的压力是在一个小区域上,而不是当它扩散在一个大表面上。


The patented "Gale Sail" from ATN, inc. is the safest and easiest way to hoist a storm jib in storm conditions.

- High visibility luff pouch
- Oversized piston hanks PLUS webbed grommets for easier hoisting
- It eliminates the need for a removable headstay.
- It eliminates the dangerous job of unfurling, dropping and stowing away the furled working sail to free up the roller furler in windy conditions to hoist the conventional jib.
- Since it is hoisted over the furled headsail, the Gale Sail prevents any dangerous accidental unfurling.
- No transformations or alterations of the rig are needed. The Gale Sail is ready to be hoisted immediately.
- The Gale sail, since it is hoisted over the very stiff roller furled sail, has a great aerodynamic shape, much better than a conventional storm jib hanked on a removeable headstay, or a partially furled sail, which most of the time has not been designed or built for that purpose. Also, not all roller furlers are built to reef.
- The Gale Sail slides up and down amazingly well because Dacron slides over itself very well. The next time you walk over a folded sail on deck, take notice of how slippery it is.
- It can be hoisted with the spinnaker halyard or spare jib halyard.
- It requires less halyard tension than a conventional storm jib would need since its luff (pouch) is supported by the wide forward part of the roller furled sail. By the same token, chafing is not a problem since the Gale Sail is riding on a large area. Chafing is a problem when a lot of pressure is on a small area, not when it is spread over a large surface.