江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    类型 主帆, 艏三角帆, 迎风三角帆, 大三角帆
    应用 巡游帆船用
    帆船等级 505


由于海德帆船公司的首席设计师在 2015/16 年期间在该级别中取得了成功,本-麦克格雷恩(Ben McGrane,2019 年 505 级欧洲和英国全国冠...)加入海德帆船公司团队后,海德帆船公司更加关注该级别。在过去的 12 个月里,海德帆船队取得了可喜的成绩,在级别赛和多级别赛中都取得了一系列成功,我们正朝着 2022 年世界帆船锦标赛的目标努力。2022 年的风帆设计早在 2021 年 9 月就已敲定,因此冬季的工作重点是改进风帆的设置,以优化在各种风况下的性能。

2021 年,海德帆船公司投入了大量时间对理查德 2016 年迭代的帆船进行改进,主帆深度有所降低(仍然是一款适合所有船员体重的强劲帆船),并修改了桨叶扭转轮廓。增加了三角帆的深度,拉直了三角帆的存在,使帆的容错性更高,更容易修剪,同时也比之前的设计更有力量。目前,三角帆的设计没有改变,Ben 发现这种设计比他以前使用的任何帆都更适合伸展,但又不影响方形航行。

新增调整指南 505 调整指南 2022.pdf


2022 年英国内陆锦标赛第一名

2022 老虎奖杯总成绩第一名

2022 乔治王加洛普总成绩第一名

2021 Datchet Flyer 总分第 2 名(第 505 名)

2021 Draycote Dash 总分第一名

2021 英国欧洲杯第 1.

2021 年英国国家赛第二名


With Hyde Sails lead designer having a successful period in the class in 2015/16, increased focus is now being applied with Ben McGrane (2019 505 European and UK National Champion) joining the Hyde Sails Team. The results over the past 12 months have been promising with a number of successes in both class and mutli-class regattas as we work towards the 2022 Worlds. With the sail designs for 2022 finalised back in September 2021, the focus over the winter has been on refining setting to optimise the performance across the wind range.

Through 2021 the Hyde Sails have put a great deal of time into refining the sails from Richard's 2016 iterations, the mainsail depth has been reduced (still a powerful sail suited to all crew weights) and leech twist profile modified. The jib depth has been increased and the exist straightened to give a more forgiving sail that is easier to trim but also more powerful than the previous designs. Currently the spinnaker is unchanged with Ben having found the design to be better for reaching than any of the sails he had used previously but without compromise for square running.

New tuning guide added 505 tuning guide 2022.pdf


2022 UK Inlands Championship 1st

2022 Tiger Trophy 1st Overall

2022 King George Gallop 1st Overall

2021 Datchet Flyer 2nd Overall (1st 505)

2021 Draycote Dash 1st Overall

2021 UK Eurocup 1st.

2021 UK Nationals 2nd.