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    类型 钩子
    功能 用于吊索
    应用领域 帆船
    断裂载荷 6 t (6.6 us ton)
    工作载荷 3 t (3.3 us ton)



由Karver发明的KFH吊钩已被证实。10多年来,70%以上的伊莫卡船都装备了它。然而,这并不是一个专门为赛车准备的产品。它越来越多地出现在旅游游艇上,特别是双体船的戽斗或代码0。 如果你想了解更多关于钩子的许多好处,请花时间阅读我们KarverPedia关于这个主题的文章。


- 钩子可以减少帆缆的直径(重量),大大提高了帆的形状稳定性(弹性较小),消除了帆缆的打滑或磨损,减少了对桅杆的压迫,用机械连接代替了织物连接等。
- 销子和叉子的尺寸与我们的卷扬机尺寸完美匹配
- 经过超级验证的可靠性(在上届旺代全球帆船赛中,有83个KFH在运行)。
- 市场上最紧凑、最轻的外挂件
- 通过桅杆上的绑带固定,可以使钩子始终处于一个完美的位置,包括在旋转的桅杆上。
- 没有钩子控制。所有的事情都只需通过吊绳来完成
- 当钩子不使用时,它就在桅杆脚下待命。在任何维护方面,它都是完全可以做到的,而且在桅杆的上部没有任何不必要的重量。
- KFH越来越多地被用于旅行游艇的停泊。


KFH3.0 external swivel hook compatible with KF3.0 series furlers or competing furlers.

A KFH hook is a 2-in-1 external hook. That is to say that it is both a hook but also a swivel. It was designed to replace a standard swivel (the upper part of the furler) and is therefore used with a furler drum. The assembly is particularly light and compact.
Invented by Karver, the KFH hook is more than proven. It has been equipping more than 70% of Imocas for more than 10 years. This is not, however, a product exclusively reserved for racing. It is found more and more on travel yachts and particularly catamarans for their scoops or codes 0. If you want to learn more about the many benefits of a hook, take the time to read our KarverPedia article on this topic.


– A hook reduces halyard diameters (weight), greatly improves the shape stability of the sails (less elasticity), eliminates slippage or wear of halyards, reduce the compression of the mast, replace a textile attachment with a mechanical attachment, etc.
– The dimensions of the pins and the forks are perfectly matched to our furler dimensions
– Ultra proven reliability (83 KFH in operation in the last Vendée Globe)
– The most compact and lightest external hook on the market
– Fixing by a lashing on the mast allows you to always have the hook in a perfect position, including on rotating masts
– No hooking control. Everything is done only with the halyard
– When the hook is not in use, it is on standby at the foot of the mast. It is perfectly accessible for any maintenance and there is no unnecessary weight in the upper parts of the mast
– The KFH is increasingly used by travel yachts for the staysail.