江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    应用领域 帆船
    应用 前纵帆
    驱动力类型 电动
    最大负载 750 kg (1,653 lb)


LOOP® EF1500
来自LOOP®产品的新型电池供电、远程控制的E-Furler - 旨在使生活更简单、更愉快。

为什么不在驾驶舱内舒适安全地卷起你的零号绳或大三角帆呢?专门为28英尺以下的小船(帆面积不超过45平方米)设计,LOOP® EF1500是新赛季的 "必备品",适用于所有运动型船只和小型多体船。E-Furler配备了一个强大的、可重新充电的12V锂电池。只需按下按钮,鼓形锁就会被推翻,使帆可以手动展开。卷起时,只需按下遥控器上的按钮,几秒钟后,你的帆就会被安全卷走。
- 即插即用--可以简单地安装到大多数标准的大三角帆杆上
- 没有电线或卷绕线


LOOP® EF1500
The new battery-powered, remote control, E-Furler from LOOP® Products – designed to make life simpler and more enjoyable.

Why not furl your Code zero or gennaker comfortably and safely from the cockpit? Specifically designed for small boats up to 28 feet (sail areas up to 45m2), the LOOP® EF1500 is a “must have” for the new season, for all sport boats and small multihulls! The E-Furler is equipped with a powerful, re-chargeable 12 V lithium battery. With a press of the button, the drum lock is over-ridden to allow the sail to unfurl manually. When rolling up, simply press the button on the remote control and in a few seconds your sail will be rolled safely away.
• Plug & Play - Simple to install into most standard gennaker poles
• No wires or furling lines