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“ 弓sprits,如果大三角帆杆不适合您的需要,使用。近海处能建立您不对称或代码零的一弓sprit。习惯适合对现有的弓或登上对甲板,我们是否有工程学技术秘诀和完成非常专业的生产工艺这些潜在地复杂细节。
在展示下的两个图象一习惯弓sprit我们帮助了设计和为天鹅40修造。顾客走向我们与杆的一个设计,但是一些个细节需要完成。我们严密地工作以顾客提炼细节,并且搭载他将乖戾的一个最高级的产品改进他的yacht. \ /html表现”


Bow sprits are used if a spinnaker pole does not suit your needs. Offshore can build a bow sprit for your asymmetrical or code-zero. Whether custom fit to the existing bow or mounted to deck, we have both the engineering know-how and highly specialized manufacturing techniques to complete these potentially complex details.
The bow sprit seen in these two photos was custom built for a Swan 56. The customer wanted the pole the pole to pin to his existing anchor roller structure and also be able to take the load of a tight luffed code-zero sail. This unique engineering challenge was just up our alley and we delivered.
The two images below show a custom bow sprit we helped design and build for a Swan 40. The customer came to us with a design for the pole but a few details needed finalizing. We worked closely with the customer to refine the details and deliver him a top-of-the-line product which will surly improve the performance of his yacht.