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ATN Mastclimber 是唯一一个单手推松的椅子
在不离开椅子的情况下在桅杆头上工作。 牧师让攀登桅杆更安全、更容易。

MastClimber 易于攀登桅杆,其设置时间最短,其坚固而简单的结构将确保多年的使用,让您能够维护和检查您的帆船的所有站立式索具。

MastClimber 是一个伟大的系统,因为它使用腿部肌肉攀登,让你到达桅杆头,不会因攀登而耗尽,并且因为它骑在静态的线上,在甲板和桅杆头之间绷紧。 Mastcliber 可防止您无奈地从桅杆上摇摆,即使船脚跟越过使得攀登桅杆更轻松、更安全。

MastClimber 由两部分组成,一个带背部休息和单向干扰器的 bos' n's 椅子,腿带,脚环,带单向干扰器。

MastClimber 攀登桅杆的操作方式是另外站立在腿带上,这样您可以向上滑动 bos “n's 椅子的单向干扰器,然后坐在 bos” n's 椅子上,这样您就可以向上滑动腿带的单向干扰器,然后站在 腿带。 要下降桅杆,程序被逆转。


The ATN Mastclimber is the only single handed bosun’s chair
that allows the operator to work ABOVE the mast head
without leaving the chair. The Mastclimber makes climbing the mast safer and easier.

The MastClimber is simple to use for climbing the mast, its set up time is minimal, and its rugged and simple construction will ensure years of use, allowing you to maintain and check aloft all the standing rigging of your sailboat.

The MastClimber is a great system as it uses the leg muscles to climb, allowing you to reach the mast head not exhausted by the climb, and since it rides onto a static line, taut between the deck and the mast head. The Mastcliber prevents you from swaying away from the mast, helplessly, even if the boat heels over making climbing the mast easier and safer.

The MastClimber consists of 2 parts, a bos’n’s chair with back rest and one-way jammer, and leg straps, with loops for the feet, with one-way jammer.

Operation of the MastClimber for climbing the mast is done by alternatively standing up on the leg straps, which allows you to slide up the one-way jammer of the bos’n’s chair, then sitting onto the bos’n’s chair, which allows you to slide up the one-way jammer of the leg strap, then standing up on the leg straps. To descend the mast, procedure is reversed.