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Sailtainer -完全主帆系统。Sailtainer是一个联合主帆系统,提供在所有天气的安全和舒适的航行。 Sailtainer,卷扬, furl和礁石主帆是容易的,以便恰当地总是设置它。

Sailtainer可以从驾驶舱被管理。当主帆在景气时被存放它卷扬与主要升降索。 风帆furled回到与reefing的线的景气。 Reefing是正简单-松开升降索并且拉扯reefing的线。 风帆迅速reefed -选拔递。 请注意-充分的被封舱的主帆是更重的,但是甲板齿轮的仔细的选择使摩擦减到最小。 Sailtainer可能也供应以一个电绞盘。

风帆长期持续。简单的操作不是Sailtainer的唯一的好处。 因为它被存放在景气里面防止受到太阳、盐水和土,风帆长期持续。 风帆滚动,无需弄皱。

1000年小船所有者有Sailtainer。 其他主帆或reefing的系统没有许多好处也不是一样容易经营作为Sailtainer! 需要几年密切合作在修帆工和景气制造者之间开发系统。 Sailtainer在每被测试了天气和在小船的每种类型。


Sailtainer - the complete mainsail system.Sailtainer is an integrated mainsail system, providing safe and comfortable sailing in any weather. With Sailtainer, it is easy to hoist, furl and reef the mainsail so that it is always set correctly.

Sailtainer can be operated from the cockpit.When the mainsail is stowed in the boom it is hoisted with the main halyard. The sail is furled back into the boom with the reefing line. Reefing is just as simple - loosen the halyard and pull the reefing line. The sail is quickly reefed - singled handed. Please note - full battened mainsails are heavier, but careful selection of deck gear will minimize friction. Sailtainer can also be supplied with an electric winch.

Sails last longer.Simple operation is not the only advantage of Sailtainer. The sail lasts longer because it is stored inside the boom protected against the sun, salt-water and dirt. The sail is rolled without creasing.

Over 1000 boat owners have Sailtainer. No other mainsail or reefing system has as many advantages or is as easy to operate as Sailtainer! It has taken years of close co-operation between sailmakers and boom manufacturers to develop the system. Sailtainer has been tested in every kind of weather and on every type of boat.