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Hall Spars 碳纤维赛车围油栏和我们的桅杆一样,最大限度地提高了性能,我们不断完善我们的设计,以寻求最佳的低风速标准。


- 最大深度的吊杆。这种吊杆是各种比赛项目的最爱。这种吊杆的高度是一致的,但它的宽度在鹅颈和绳索处呈锥形。锥度减轻了两端的重量,而最大深度则提供了未评级的帆面积。

- 锥形最大深度吊杆:对于寻求轻量级解决方案的激进型比赛项目来说,吊杆是由高模量或超高模量碳纤维和蜂窝状芯材制成的。外侧端极度的锥度可将主帆的扭矩降至最低。

- 霍尔赛车轰。竞技帆船的全能冠军。在最小的尺寸和重量下,吊杆结构为全碳超强,并且可以提供任何模数的碳材料。


Hall Spars carbon racing booms, like our masts, maximize performance and we are continually refining our designs in our quest for the best low-windage standard.

In designing carbon booms, our engineers create a refined laminate to meet and exceed your team’s expected challenges. Finite Element Analysis reveals the loads on the boom under stress, and we confirm the findings with destructive testing. The result is an uncompromising design, ready to meet the challenges of offshore or inshore racing head-on.

• Max-depth boom: This boom is a favourite of a wide range of racing programs. The boom’s height is uniform, but its width tapers at the gooseneck and the outhaul. The taper saves weight at the ends, and the max depth provides unrated sail area.

• Tapered max-depth boom: Ideal for aggressive racing programs seeking a lightweight solution, the boom is built from high modulus or ultra-high-modulus carbon with a honeycomb core. The extreme taper at the outboard end minimizes the torque from the mainsheet.

• Hall racing boom: The all-around champion of competitive sailing. At a minimum size and weight, the boom structure is all carbon and super-strong and it is available in any modulus of carbon.