江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    发动机类型 舷外
    船体类型 半硬式
    甲板布局 开放式, 中央控制台
    用途 导航
    人数 最多容纳 14 人
    甲板布置 日光浴, 保护栏杆
    长度宽度 7.42 m(24'04" )X2.82 m(9'03" )
    发动机功率 130 ch, 300 ch
    (130 hp, 300 hp)
    燃料容量 80 l(21 gal)
    淡水容量 67 l(18 gal)


Zar 75 是变革的先锋。它是该系列中用途最广的一款。它有 "标准 "和 "Plus "两种不同的控制台(第二种控制台配有舒适、设备齐全的卫生间和淋浴间),以及两种不同的船首生活解决方案,其中 "Suite "版本配有 U 型餐台。四种选择,四种独特的型号:标准型、标准加强型、套房型、套房加强型。
无论您的选择是什么,您都会发现 9 个前向式座椅,它们就像您客厅里的沙发一样舒适,而且可以轻松变成一片坐垫海洋,将甲板变成日光浴室。ZAR 75 将不寻常的空间和体积与优雅和前卫的设计相结合。
ZAR 75 的航海性能绝对卓越:长长的 V 形船体保证了在波浪中异常平稳的冲击力。ZAR 75 速度极快,非常适合驾驶:它可以快速转向而不会偏离航线。它具有极高的安全性和稳定性。得益于出乎意料的操控性能,在任何情况下都能轻松进行排水作业。

配有 VTR 双座驾驶台,带双人前座和双峰、带双峰的驾驶员座椅、不锈钢舵和扶手、液压转向器、挡风玻璃、一个室内隔间、防水门、解剖型座垫和前控制台座椅的椅背;解剖型驾驶员座椅,可容纳两人以半坐姿驾驶;不锈钢梯子,VTR 上有 2 个仪表板;4 个系缆桩、5 个不锈钢把手、2 个不锈钢抓杆(位于船首)、1 个不锈钢扶手(位于船首)。


Zar 75 is a champion of transformation. It is the more versatile of the range. It is available with two different consoles, “Standard” and “Plus” (the second one with a comfortable fully equipped toilette and shower) and in two different bow living solutions, the “Suite” version having a U-shaped dinette. Four options, four unique models: Standard, Standard Plus, Suite, Suite Plus.
Whatever your choice is, you will find 9 front facing seats, that are as comfortable as the couch in your living room and that can be easily transformed into a sea of cushions and change the deck into a solarium. ZAR 75 combines unusual spaces and volumes with elegance and vanguard design.
In navigation ZAR 75 is absolutely excellent: the long V shaped hull guarantees an extraordinarily smooth impact on the waves. Very fast, it is great to drive: it allows tight veers without getting off course. It offers top safety and stability. Thanks to unexpected handling qualities, displacement operations are easy under any circumstances.
And what about boring side sprays? Absolutely none… if you want to refresh, take a shower, with autoclave pump system!

Complete with VTR two-seater drive console with front seat for two and dual peak, driver’s seat with dual peak, rudder and handrail of stainless steel, hydraulic steering, windshield, one indoor compartment, waterproof doors, anatomic seat cushion and seat back for front console seat; anatomic driver’s seat for two permitting driving in a semi-seated position; stainless steel ladder with 2 dashboards on VTR; 4 bollards, 5 stainless steel handles, 2 stainless steel grab rods in prow, 1 stainless steel handrail bumper in prow