江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    发动机类型 舷外
    引擎数量 双引擎
    甲板布局 中央控制台, 开放式
    用途 钓鱼运动
    材料 铝制
    甲板布置 日光浴
    长度宽度 23'00"(7.01 m)X102 in
    位置 2,296 lb(1,041.45 kg)
    发动机功率 300 ch(300 hp)
    燃料容量 75 gal


我们已经加强了我们的X-Bay系列的旗舰,并自豪地介绍新的X23Bay休息室。这是对我们的软垫船体X-Bay系列的补充,将已经很受欢迎的X-Bay系列提升到一个全新的水平,其功能是为钓鱼者和整个家庭设计的。Xpress Boats以其X-Bay系列彻底改变了海湾船的市场。X-Bay的建造与推动Xperss Boats Hyper-Lift系列达到顶峰的DNA相同,是大水、大鱼刺激的领导者。Xpress Boats更倾向于领导,而不是跟随。Xpress Boats更倾向于开拓,而不是复制。Xpress Boats更倾向于成为当今市场上性能最好、建造最精良、全焊接的铝制船的选择。无论是在一整天的捕鱼过程中或之后的放松,这艘多功能船能够运行大水,追逐怪物公牛红,或与整个家庭一起出去欣赏风景。休息室的座位上有一个集成的鱼箱,今年还有一个新的东西,那就是双引擎选项,最大功率为300马力,这在我们公司是第一次。

点击下面的按钮,了解有关新的X23B LOUNGE的全部细节,包括标准功能,设备选项,和包。


We have enhanced the flag ship of our X-Bay Series and are proud to introduce the new X23Bay Lounge. This addition to our padded hull X-Bay line up takes the already popular to a whole new level with features designed for the angler and whole family. Xpress Boats has revolutionized the bay boat market with its X-Bay Series. Built with the same DNA that has propelled Xperss Boats Hyper-Lift series to the top, the X-Bay is the leader in big water, big fish xcitement. Xpress Boats prefers to lead, not follow. Xpress Boats prefers to pioneer, not copy. Xpress Boats prefers to be the choice for the finest performing, finest built, all-welded aluminum boat on the market today. Whether relaxing during or after a full day fishing, this multi function craft is capable of running big water, chasing monster bull reds or out with the entire family enjoying the scenery. The lounge seating has an integrated fish box and something else new for this year, is a twin-engine option up to 300 HP, the first of its kind for our company.

Overall package length includes trailer and engine
All measurements are approximate
Photos may include optional equipment
Click the button below for full details about the new X23B LOUNGE including standard features, equipment options, and packages.